and Applications
The applications we provide at Crossword Solver are designed to help you meet the challenges of word games, become a more competitive puzzler, and expand your vocabulary.
Crossword Solver
instantly finds answers to crossword clues in cryptic and regular puzzles. You can also discover different meanings of words and contribute to the crossword dictionary database by recommending and voting on new clues and solutions.
Anagram Solver
instantly finds answers to crossword clues in cryptic and regular puzzles. You can also discover different meanings of words and contribute to the crossword dictionary database by recommending and voting on new clues and solutions.
Scrabble Solver
identifies words you can form with the tiles in your rack and on the board, including the highest-scoring words. You can also find information about how Scrabble is played and scored, popular tournaments, and other Scrabble 101 basics.
WWF Solver
determines words you can play based on the tiles in your rack and on the board. You can also brush up on the rules and scoring criteria, which words you can (and cannot) use, as well as the different speciality spaces and bonuses.
Complete Word Lists for Your Favorite Word Games
help you win any word game. These lists are grouped by word count, words with infrequent letters, and by how words start or end. You can also view the definition of each word as well as associated crossword clues, Scrabble and WWF points, and anagrams.