Crossword Clue with E
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Exact punishment for
Exact quantity
exact reflection of form on opposite sides of a dividing line or plane
Exact repetition
Exact repetition of what was said
Exact replica
Exact repro.
Exact restitution
Exact retribution
Exact retribution for
Exact revenge
Exact revenge legally
Exact revenge on
Exact same
Exact satisfaction for
Exact straight line passed over centre of gravity
exact words used to say or write something
exact, accurate in every detail
exact, correct
Exact, in British slang
Exact, to a Brit
Exact, to Brits
Exacta or quinella
Exacta or trifecta
Exacta relative
Exacta, e.g.
Exacta, for one
Exactas and trifectas
Exactas or perfectas
Exactas, e.g.
Exacted revenge on
Exacted satisfaction for
exacting a monetary punishment
exacting experience
Exacting, as an examination
Exacting, discipline-wise
Exactly ... like a conservative's plan to lower taxes?
Exactly ... or where to find 17-, 25-, 43- and 57-Across?
Exactly 3 hours for a marathon, e.g.
Exactly accurate
Exactly alike
Exactly as expected
Exactly as projected
Exactly as required
Exactly as required, in three syllables
Exactly as scheduled
Exactly as written
Exactly below, on a map
Exactly correct
Exactly divisible by two
exactly equal
Exactly how you see it
Exactly like
Exactly like it should be
Exactly like this
Exactly like This and that
Exactly obeying rules
Exactly on time
exactly opposite to the ceiling
Exactly Right
Exactly right
Exactly right ... and where parts of 17-, 24- and 47-Across appear
Exactly right, in British lingo
Exactly right, to a Brit
Exactly right!
Exactly so (4 wds.)
Exactly suitable
Exactly that
exactly the same
Exactly this way
Exactly vertical
Exactly what I thought
Exactly what's expected
Exactly when expected
Exactly where it should be
Exactly, after "to"
Exactly, in directions
Exactly, informally
Exactly, to a timekeeper
Exactly! ... and a hint to where 20-, 36- and 43-Across' ending words may be found
exactness of adjustment
Exacts revenge
Exacts revenge on
Exacts satisfaction
Exagerated claims
Exageratedly proper
Exaggerate ... or a hint to five nonconsecutive letters in 20-Across, 36-Across and 7-Down
exaggerate absurdly
Exaggerate for effect
EXAGGERATE good points of
Exaggerate on stage
exaggerate one's acting
Exaggerate onstage
exaggerate or make bigger
exaggerate the merits or abilities of
exaggerate the value
Exaggerate too much
Exaggerate while playing
Exaggerate, as a performance
Exaggerate, as expenses
Exaggerated "How awful!"
Exaggerated 50's car feature
Exaggerated a part
Exaggerated account
Exaggerated accounts
Exaggerated advertising
exaggerated and amusing imitation of someone else's style
Exaggerated and excessive
Exaggerated and theatrical
Exaggerated claims
Exaggerated comedy
exaggerated emotion
exaggerated emphasis on the importance of words
Exaggerated fanfare
Exaggerated feature in Obama caricatures
Exaggerated happiness
Exaggerated homework amount
Exaggerated in comparison to reality
Exaggerated kiss sound
exaggerated maleness
Exaggerated masculinity
Exaggerated melodrama
Exaggerated military attention to appearances
Exaggerated on stage
exaggerated praise, esp in publicity or advertising
Exaggerated pride
Exaggerated Publicity
Exaggerated response of disbelief
exaggerated sense
Exaggerated stories
Exaggerated tale
Exaggerated work load
Exaggerated workload
Exaggerated yarn
Exaggerated, as a story
EXAGGERATEDLY fastidious person (sl.)
EXAGGERATEDLY foppish person (sl.)
Exaggeratedly impressive
Exaggeratedly masculine
Exaggeratedly proper
Exaggerates, as a résumé
Exaggerating Henry nearly fainted from ...
Exaggeration for effect
EXAGGERATION of characteristic traits
Exaggerator's suffix
Exalt and then some
Exalt extremely
Exalt ot the heavens
Exalt to the heavens
exalt to the position of a God
Exaltation in rhyme
Exaltation in verse
Exaltation poem
exalted beauty
Exalted group leader, facetiously
Exalted groups
Exalted happiness
Exalted importance
Exalted Indian
Exalted one
exalted personage
Exalted poem
Exalted poems
Exalted poet
EXALTED position or rank (pert. to)
Exalted rank
Exalted verse
Exalted work
Exalted works
Exalted, in Islam
Exaltedly poetic
Exalting hymn of praise
Exalting poem
Exalting poems
Exalting verse
Exalting verses
Exam "filled in" by three answers in this puzzle
Exam administered by the College Board, briefly
Exam administrator
Exam after a midterm
Exam answer
Exam answer sheets
Exam answer, sometimes
exam answer(s)
Exam answers in blue books
Exam aptly contained in "doctoral"
exam Attorney Abbr. after an name
exam Atty. degree
Exam before the bar exam
exam British architect
Exam by committee
Exam choice
exam College administrator
Exam compared to a prior one
Exam compositions
Exam conductor's nickname
exam Dental cleaner
exam Doc
Exam ending?
exam Entrance
Exam entry (abbr.)
Exam features
Exam for a future atty.
Exam for a future D.A.
Exam for a H.S. junior, perhaps
Exam for a jr.
Exam for a poli sci major
Exam for a wannabe A.D.A.
Exam for a wannabe atty.
Exam for a wannabe doc
Exam for a would-be atty.
Exam for an advanced degree
Exam for an ambitious H.S. student ... or what this puzzle has been?
Exam for an aspiring doc
Exam for an aspiring Esq.
Exam for an aspiring J.D.
Exam for attys.-to-be
Exam for college srs.
Exam for college-bound H.S. students
Exam for college-bound jrs.
Exam for future attys.