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Egyptian believers
Egyptian bird
EGYPTIAN bird born from the sun
Egyptian bird god
Egyptian biter
Egyptian biters
Egyptian boy king
Egyptian boy king, briefly
Egyptian boy Pharaoh
Egyptian boy ruler
EGYPTIAN building stone
Egyptian bull god
Egyptian bull sacred
Egyptian cadaver of old
EGYPTIAN capital
EGYPTIAN capital (12th Dynasty)
EGYPTIAN capital, first
Egyptian charm
egyptian child pharaoh
Egyptian Christian
Egyptian Christians
Egyptian church language
Egyptian city
Egyptian city near a famed dam
Egyptian city near a same-named dam
Egyptian city on the Nile
Egyptian city once named Syene
EGYPTIAN city ruins
Egyptian city sited on part of ancient Thebes
EGYPTIAN city/town, ancient
Egyptian cobra
Egyptian cobra, by another name
Egyptian cobra, e.g.
Egyptian cobras
Egyptian cobras and horned vipers
Egyptian cobras, e.g.
egyptian coffin
Egyptian coin
Egyptian cotton
EGYPTIAN cotton-growing region
Egyptian creator god
Egyptian cross
Egyptian cross of life
Egyptian cross with a loop
Egyptian cross with a top loop
Egyptian crosses
Egyptian crown
Egyptian currency
Egyptian dam site
Egyptian dancing girl
Egyptian dangers
Egyptian dedicatee of a Pompeii temple
Egyptian deity
Egyptian desert
Egyptian diety
EGYPTIAN distance measure
Egyptian dog
EGYPTIAN dry measure
Egyptian emblem
Egyptian expanse
Egyptian farm laborer
Egyptian fertility deity
Egyptian fertility god
Egyptian fertility goddess
Egyptian flower?
Egyptian for "be at peace"
EGYPTIAN gem cut in form of beetle
Egyptian god depicted as being ram-headed
Egyptian god of chaos
EGYPTIAN god of creation
Egyptian god of death
Egyptian god of earth
egyptian god of embalming
Egyptian god of evil
Egyptian god of fertility
EGYPTIAN god of life
EGYPTIAN god of lower world
Egyptian god of pleasure
Egyptian god of the afterlife
Egyptian god of the dead
EGYPTIAN god of the earth
EGYPTIAN god of the morning sun
Egyptian god of the underworld
Egyptian god of the Universe
Egyptian god of war
Egyptian god of wisdom
Egyptian god slain by Set
Egyptian god slain by Seth
Egyptian god who's a brother of 6-Across
Egyptian god with a falcon's head
Egyptian god with an ibis head
Egyptian god with the head of a jackal
EGYPTIAN goddess
EGYPTIAN goddess in form of a vulture
Egyptian goddess invoked in "The Magic Flute"
Egyptian goddess of fertility
EGYPTIAN goddess of heaven
Egyptian goddess of justice
Egyptian goddess of life
Egyptian goddess of love
egyptian goddess of motherhood
EGYPTIAN goddess of nature
Egyptian goddess of truth
egyptian goddess who resurrected osiris
Egyptian goddess whose headdress was shaped like a throne
Egyptian goddess whose son is Horus
Egyptian goddess with a repetitive name
Egyptian goddess with cow horns
Egyptian goddess worshiped as the archetypical wife and mother
Egyptian hazards
Egyptian headdress feature
Egyptian headdress symbol
Egyptian heaven
Egyptian heavyweight?
EGYPTIAN hieroglyphic panel
Egyptian hieroglyphs
egyptian hisser
Egyptian hub
Egyptian icon
Egyptian immortal
Egyptian isthmus
Egyptian judge of the dead
Egyptian king
Egyptian king of kings
Egyptian king of the 19th dynasty
Egyptian king of the dead
Egyptian king of the gods
Egyptian king overthrown in a 1952 revolution
Egyptian king until 1952
Egyptian king, familiarly
Egyptian King, once
EGYPTIAN King, traditional first (fl. c. 3400 BC)
EGYPTIAN kingdom, ancient
EGYPTIAN Kings, name of five
Egyptian landmark
Egyptian language
Egyptian leader ___ el-Sadat
Egyptian leader Anwar
Egyptian leader before Mubarak
Egyptian leader between Gamal and Hosni
Egyptian leader for whom a lake is named
Egyptian leader Nasser
Egyptian leader obsessed with his appearance?
Egyptian leaping mouse
Egyptian life symbol
Egyptian life symbols
Egyptian lifeline
EGYPTIAN liquid measure
EGYPTIAN Lower Nile, plant representing the
Egyptian lowlife?
Egyptian lute
EGYPTIAN manuscript, ancient
EGYPTIAN market garden produce center/centre
Egyptian measure
Egyptian menace
Egyptian menaces
Egyptian metropolis
Egyptian mil. authority
Egyptian monetary unit
Egyptian money
EGYPTIAN monument
Egyptian mother goddess
Egyptian Museum city
Egyptian Museum locale
Egyptian Museum site
Egyptian Museum's site
EGYPTIAN Mystery Schools, brotherhood of the ancient
EGYPTIAN National Democratic Party
Egyptian National Library city
EGYPTIAN Nationalist party
Egyptian native
Egyptian nature goddess
Egyptian nippers
Egyptian Nobelist, 1978
Egyptian Nobelman?
EGYPTIAN north-east coast, place near the
Egyptian novelist
Egyptian or Emirati
Egyptian or Ethiopian
Egyptian or Jordanian
Egyptian pantheon bigwig
Egyptian paper
Egyptian Peace Nobelist
Egyptian Peace Nobelist Anwar
Egyptian peasant
EGYPTIAN peasantry
Egyptian peninsula
Egyptian Pharaoh
Egyptian pictograph
EGYPTIAN place of ascent
Egyptian played by Liz
EGYPTIAN political group
Egyptian port city
Egyptian portrayed by Liz
Egyptian power symbols
Egyptian premiere of 1871
Egyptian president Abdel Fattah el-___
Egyptian president Anwar
Egyptian president assassinated in 1981
Egyptian president between Gamal and Hosni
egyptian president during revolution of
Egyptian president during the Suez Crisis
Egyptian President Sadat
Egyptian president, 1956-1970
EGYPTIAN private letters, material used for
Egyptian protector of tombs
EGYPTIAN province
Egyptian pyramid city
EGYPTIAN pyramid-builder, first
Egyptian pyramid, e.g.
Egyptian pyramid, essentially
Egyptian pyramid's eight
Egyptian pyramids locale
Egyptian queen
Egyptian queen in Tut's time
Egyptian queen played by Liz
Egyptian queen played by Liz Taylor
egyptian queen with famous bust
Egyptian queen, familiarly
Egyptian queen, for short
Egyptian queen, informally
EGYPTIAN region of the dead
Egyptian region where Alexandria is located
EGYPTIAN religious astral body
Egyptian reptile
Egyptian reptiles
Egyptian resurrection symbol
Egyptian river-control structure
Egyptian royal
Egyptian royal cross
EGYPTIAN royal tomb
Egyptian ruler
egyptian ruler of the underworld
EGYPTIAN ruler, ancient
Egyptian ruler's favorite gambling game?
Egyptian ruler's favorite game?
EGYPTIAN sacred bird
EGYPTIAN sacred bull
EGYPTIAN sacred city