Crossword Clue with G
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Grp. concerned with defense
Grp. concerned with drilling
Grp. concerned with feeding the kitty
Grp. concerned with genealogy
Grp. concerned with global warming
Grp. concerned with gutters and pins
Grp. concerned with hacking
Grp. concerned with lab safety?
Grp. concerned with m.p.g.
Grp. concerned with precedents
Grp. concerned with royalty
Grp. concerned with safety
Grp. concerned with slicing and chipping
Grp. concerned with traveling
Grp. conducting Operation Deny Flight
Grp. conducting raids
Grp. conducting raids in W.W. II
Grp. created at the Baghdad Conference, 1960
Grp. dealing with cases
Grp. dealing with drips
Grp. defending individual rights
Grp. doing campus drills
Grp. doing pat-downs
Grp. doing private shows?
Grp. emphasizing citizenship
Grp. famous for its send-ups?
Grp. famously involved in bank robberies
Grp. featuring objectors?
Grp. for 32 Down
Grp. for 51-Down
Grp. for a defensive person?
Grp. for Canada and Chile
Grp. for counselors
Grp. for court pros
Grp. for doctors
Grp. for Els
Grp. for GIs
Grp. for GPs
Grp. for great putters
Grp. for Hawks and Raptors
Grp. for Mr. Novak
Grp. for seniors
Grp. for Stacy Lewis
Grp. for those 50+
Grp. formed in Bogotá
Grp. formed in Bogotá in 1948
Grp. founded by 12 countries
Grp. founded by a former high-school principal in 1958
Grp. founded in Baghdad, 1960
Grp. founded in Bogota in 1948
Grp. founded in Jerusalem
Grp. founded in part by the Y.M.C.A.
Grp. founded in Washington on 4/4/1949
Grp. founded to resist Communism
Grp. from which many people are drafted
Grp. full of gas
Grp. funding 19-Down in campaigns
Grp. getting a pay cut?
Grp. gotten by dialing 911
Grp. handling insurance forms
Grp. headquartered in Austria, which isn't a member
Grp. headquartered in Brussels
Grp. headquartered in Ramallah
Grp. helping those on shore leave
Grp. holding after-school events
Grp. hosting an open house
Grp. in 1974 news
Grp. in 60's news
Grp. in a 1919-21 war of independence
Grp. in a 1955 labor merger
Grp. in a 1955 merger
Grp. in a rush?
Grp. in charge
Grp. in gray
Grp. in old spy novels
Grp. in peace accords
Grp. in peace talks
Grp. in the Oscar-winning documentary "Citizenfour"
Grp. in TV's "Criminal Minds"
Grp. in which many of the leaders wear robes
Grp. including Iran and Iraq
Grp. including Luxembourg, Turkey and Italy
Grp. including Nigeria and Venezuela
Grp. influencing oil prices
Grp. influential in campaigns
Grp. interested in long drives
Grp. interested in races
Grp. into genealogy
Grp. involved in "the Troubles"
Grp. involved in a cleanup
Grp. involved in back-to-school night
Grp. involved in much diplomacy
Grp. involved in the Abbottabad raid
Grp. involved with Brown v. Board of Education
Grp. issuing IDs
Grp. JEH once headed
Grp. joined by Albania and Croatia in 2009
Grp. knocked in "Sicko"
Grp. known as the Bureau of Chemistry from 1901 to 1927
Grp. known as the Company
Grp. Known for its crude output
Grp. known for sliding in the spring
Grp. making after-work plans?
Grp. making barrels of money?
Grp. making case studies?
Grp. marching around campus
Grp. meeting in a school gym, often
Grp. mobilized by a 911 call
Grp. monitoring emissions
Grp. of 300 people?
Grp. of astronauts
Grp. of atoms
Grp. of battalions
Grp. of connected computers
Grp. of connected PCs
Grp. of CPR experts
Grp. of DC advisers
Grp. of docs
Grp. of dribblers
Grp. of Ducks and Panthers
Grp. of G.P.'s
Grp. of gridders
Grp. of inspectors
Grp. of justices
Grp. of lawyers
Grp. of major supporters?
Grp. of MDs
Grp. of medical providers
Grp. of objectors?
Grp. of oil producers
Grp. of Pelicans
Grp. of people puttering around?
Grp. of pinheads?
Grp. of players
Grp. of professionals
Grp. of relatives
Grp. of Senators
Grp. of teed-off women?
Grp. of which Cuba is a member
Grp. of women drivers
Grp. on a raid
Grp. on the floor
Grp. on the range?
Grp. on the rebound?
Grp. once headed by Arafat
Grp. once headed by Seiji Ozawa
Grp. once interested in green cards
Grp. once known as the National Congress of Mothers
Grp. once led by Arafat
Grp. once led by Nasser
Grp. operating within a network
Grp. opposed by March for Our Lives
Grp. organizing booster shots
Grp. organizing read-a-thons
Grp. organizing school dances
Grp. organizing trips abroad
Grp. overseeing early reactors
Grp. overseeing the World Series
Grp. overseeing toxic cleanups
Grp. paying for some election ads
Grp. pledged to "do no harm"
Grp. promoting road safety
Grp. promoting the Great American Outdoor Show
Grp. protecting U.S. borders
Grp. publishing the "Healthy Heart Cookbook"
Grp. putting letters in boxes
Grp. putting on shows for the troops
Grp. putting on shows for troops
Grp. recognizing international titleholders in 18 different weight classes
Grp. represented by the Southern Cross
Grp. requiring copays
Grp. seeking a state
Grp. seeking to improve No Child Left Behind
Grp. setting standards
Grp. spelled using its own alphabet at the starts of 19-, 29-, 43- and 50-Across
Grp. sponsoring the Muzzle Loading Championship
Grp. supported by 17-Acrosses
Grp. symbolized by an elephant
Grp. that advises the Pres.
Grp. that affects 37-Across prices
Grp. that awards merit badges
Grp. that awards the Spingarn Medal
Grp. that battles consumer fraud ... or a hint to some much-repeated letters in this puzzle
Grp. that brought Colbert to Baghdad
Grp. that brought Stephen Colbert to Baghdad
Grp. that can ban chemicals
Grp. that can declassify documents
Grp. that caught Dillinger
Grp. that charges premiums
Grp. that clashed with Israel
Grp. that combats smuggling
Grp. that conducts many tests
Grp. that deals with crude matters
Grp. that determines what a 24-Down is
Grp. that discourages dropping out
Grp. that doesn't cover the self-employed
Grp. that entertains the troops
Grp. that entertains troops
Grp. that extends from Canada to Chile
Grp. that fights for rights
Grp. that finances campaigns
Grp. that frowns upon illegal checks
Grp. that gained its nickname in 1880
Grp. that gave 47A a Life Achievement Award in 1999
Grp. that gets a pay cut?
Grp. that gets the lead out?
Grp. that gets the shaft?
Grp. that gets the show on the road
Grp. that has added 12 members since the end of the Cold War
Grp. that has agony over ecstasy?
Grp. that has energy users over a barrel?
Grp. that has held summit meetings in Caracas and Riyadh
Grp. that has the world over a barrel?
Grp. that hasn't yet found what it's looking for
Grp. that heralded Edward Snowden as a patriot
Grp. that holds an open house
Grp. that holds Blue and Gold Banquets
Grp. that includes Canada and Colombia
Grp. that includes Ecuador and Venezuela
Grp. that includes Iran and Iraq
Grp. that includes Iraq and Qatar
Grp. that includes Nigeria
Grp. that includes the U.S.
Grp. that knows the drill?
Grp. that launches investigations
Grp. that may be voting
Grp. that may call on its reserves?
Grp. that may discuss online classes
Grp. that may meet in a school gym
Grp. that may stop traffic
Grp. that meets after school
Grp. that meets in Albany
Grp. that meets in the Situation Room
Grp. that might defend you
Grp. that might give you a hand on the shoulder?
Grp. that might have a launch party
Grp. that might help organize an open house
Grp. that might hold a raffle
Grp. that offers driver safety courses
Grp. that often files amicus briefs
Grp. that often has its first meeting in the fall
Grp. that often meets on a school night
Grp. that once plotted against Fidel Castro
Grp. that outlasted the Warsaw Pact
Grp. that oversees govt. construction
Grp. that oversees I.C.B.M.'s
Grp. that patrols shores
Grp. that promised Trump "We'll see you in court"
Grp. that puts on a show
Grp. that Qatar recently left