Crossword Clue with I
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Crossword Solver
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Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
in harness
In Harry Potter books, nonmagical offspring of wizard parents
in haste
in haste Marry
In headlinese, say
In heaps
IN heart
in heat
In heat?
In Heaven
IN heaven
In Heaven There Is No ___
In heaven, say
In heels, e.g.
In heels, say
In hell, say
In hell?
In Her Skin actress Miranda
In hexadecimal, it's A
In hidden fashion
in hiding
in hiding and keeping quiet
In hiding, with "up"
In high demand
In high dudgeon
In high esteem
in high hopes
In high regard
in high regard Hold
In high repute
in high spirits
In high style
IN highest degree
In hijab, e.g.
in hinduism an ascetic holy man
in Hinduism Preserver Fossil
in his final years
In His Own Write writer
In history
in history Chapter
in history Time
In history, the era since the middle ages
In hitting position
In hock
In hock to the bank
In hog heaven
In holiday spirits
in Homeric legend Odysseus was its king
In honor of
In hopeless shape
in hopes
In hopes of being sold
in hot haste
In hot pants topless lady dresses
In hot pursuit
In hot pursuit of
in hot water
in hot water Leaves
in hot water, e.g.
In hot water, say
in house
in human form
in hunting, a call to hounds
in ignorance
In imitation of
In immaculate condition
In imminent danger
in immunization, an antibody acting as a double receptor
In improved health
In increments
in India, unit for measuring land
in Indian cookery, round metal box used to transport hot food
in Indian English, fish and chips
in Indian English, slang word for an illegitimate female
in Indian English, slang word for an illegitimate male
in Indian English, well
in informal Australian English, fawning or servile person
in informal Indian English, a friend
in informal Indian English, culturally backward
In installments
In instalments
In insufficient supply
in intense despair
in interest of guinness
In international waters
In international waters, e.g.
in internment
In inventory
in invertebrates and lower chordates, an organ serving the function of a kidney
in irons
in irregular spells
In isolation
In it for the long ___
In it for the money
In it to ___
In it together
In it, feet are divisions of a meter
in Italian Always
in Italian Bridge
in Italian Christmas
in Italian Dear
in Italian Enough
in Italian Evening affair
in Italian God
in Italian It game
in Italian Ladder Climb the
in Italian Lady
in Italian Love
in Italian Man
in Italian Nothing
in Italian She gets what she wants
in Italian Six It has sides
in Italian They , in French
in Italian Year Add another
in Italian Years A billion
in Italian Yesterday , in French
In its ___ (as a replacement)
In its ___ (replacing it)
In its ___ (replacing)
In its current condition
In its current state
In its early stages
In its entirety
In its entirety, as a film
In its existing state
In its natural color
In its normal procedure
In its original form
In its original form, as a film
In its original form, as a movie
In its original place
In its own gravy
In its present condition
in its self
IN itself
In itself, in Latin
In itself: Lat.
in jail
In jail (and a hint to 17-, 25-, and 41-Across)
In jail, say
In jeopardy
In jeopardy ... and where the first words of the answers to starred clues can be found
in jest
in Jewish lore Adam Actor
in Judeo-Christian mythology
In judge's garb
In judicial attire
In just a bit
In just a short while
In just this way
In keeper?
In keeping with
in keeping with the gospels
in keeping with the season
In keeping with tradition
In Kentucky, Bowling Green-to-Ashland dir.
In key
In knots
in la mer Land
In la-la land
In la-la land (Var.)
In la-la land, e.g.
in lakes, a region of rapidly changing temperature, found between the epilimnion and the hypolimnion
in language emphasis on a particular syllable
in language emphasis on a particular syllables
In large amounts
In large numbers
in large part
IN large quantities
In large quantity
In large supply
in last month
IN last month (abbr.)
in last place
IN Latin
in Latin Being
in Latin Bird abode
in Latin Bone
in Latin I love , in French
in Latin Lambs Like
in Latin Land
In Latin, it's "stannum"
in law Confiscate
in law, a plaintiff's reply to defendant's rebutter
in law, a plaintiff's reply to defendant's rejoinder
in law: the jurisdiction where a trial will be held
In layers
In layers, as stadium seating
in leading strings
In leaf
In league
in learned style
In left field
in left-handed fashion
in legalese Wife
In legend, he fiddled in a fire
In leisurely manner (mus)
IN length
In less danger
In less time
In liberal amounts
in lieu
IN lieu of
In lieu of: abbr.
in life Lot
in light of
In Like ___, 1967 Coburn film
In like an old cat?
in like manner
IN like manner (L)
in like or similar manner
In like-new condition
In limbo
In limited supply
In line
In line for
In line to receive
In line with
In line with moral values
In line with the goal
IN lines
in lingo Sleek fabric
In literature, the personification of purity
In Living Color piece
In Living Color segment
In lock step (with)
In lockstep
in logic, a shortened form of if and only if
in London Level
in Longer
In love
In love with oneself
IN low esteem (fig.)
In low spirits
IN lower floor of house
In lower rank
in lumps as in metal
In Luxury Beware painter, 1663
in mammals, the cord supporting the testicles in the scrotal sac
In manageable increments
In many cases
In many cases, to a poet
In many instances
In many places
In matched pairings
in mathematics, an irrational number
in matter of
In maturity some soldiers see eye to eye
In medias __
In medias ___