Crossword Clue with L
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Like a certain female artery
Like a certain football kick
Like a certain govt.
Like a certain Jack
Like a certain key: Abbr.
Like a certain NASA module
Like a certain number
Like a certain office
Like a certain old bucket
Like a certain one in line
Like a certain order
Like a certain piper
Like a certain power
Like a certain rat pack leader?
Like a certain reaper
Like a certain route
Like a certain rule
Like a certain sax
Like a certain side
Like a certain superpower
Like a certain textbook mkt.
Like a certain thumb
Like a certain turned ear
Like a certain vein
Like a certain wolf or eagle
Like a Chalet backdrop
Like a chalkboard
Like a challenging cross-country course
Like a champion bodybuilder
Like a chandelier
Like a Channel purse
Like a charged atom
Like a charging cheetah
Like a charm, maybe
Like a charming smile
Like a chartreuse leisure suit
Like a cheap hotel, maybe
Like a cheap shot
Like a cheap speaker's sound
Like a cheater's deck
Like a check waiting to be deposited
Like a checked-out library book
Like a cheering capacity crowd
Like a cheering crowd
Like a Cheerio, say
Like a cheerleader
Like a cheerleader after a big game, maybe
Like a cheesy potato dish
Like a cheetah
Like a cherry, in relation to a sundae
Like a cherub
Like a cherub's cheeks
Like a chestnut
Like a cheviot
Like a chicken with its head cut off
Like a Chihuahua's ears
Like a child
Like a child of two cousins
like a child Walk
Like a child with no siblings
Like a child without siblings
Like a child-friendly grape
Like a child's love for a parent
Like a childhood stage, to Freud
Like a chill in the air
Like a chimney
Like a Chimney channel
Like a chimney needing sweeping
Like a chimney Sweep
Like a chimney sweep after work
Like a chimp
Like a Chinese calendar
Like a chipmunk's eye
Like a choice between evils
Like a chorus line
Like a Christmas tree
Like a Christmas tree, maybe
Like a chrome dome
Like a chrome-dome
Like a church deacon?
Like a church Mouse
Like a churchgoer
Like a Churl
Like a churl
Like a CIA operation
Like a cigar bar
Like a cigar bar's atmosphere
Like a cigarette smoker's growth?
Like a cir. in a cir.
Like a circle
Like a circle stretched in one direction
Like a circus
Like a circus high wire
Like a circus performer who gets high?
Like a citadel
Like a clammy cave
Like a classic French soup
Like a classic joke
Like a classical column
Like a classical Greek theater
Like a classy carpet
Like a clay pot
Like a clean floor
Like a clean room
Like a clean shave
Like a clear day
Like a clear image
Like a clear night
Like a clear Night before
Like a clear night sky
Like a clear path
Like a clear sky
Like a clear-cut area
Like a clever devil
Like a cliche
Like a cliff
Like a cliffhanger
Like a clipped sheep
Like a clipper, in its day
Like a Clive Barker novel
Like a clock reading 5:05 at 5:00
Like a clock that has hands
Like a clock with hands
Like a clock-stopping face
Like a clogged dryer vent
Like a close "amie"
Like a close buddy
Like a close friend
Like a close game, usually
Like a close neighbor
Like a closed community
Like a closed theater
like a cloud forest
Like a cloudless night
Like a cloudless sky
Like a cloudless, moonless night?
Like a cloudy day
Like a cloudy London day
Like a clover leaf
like a clown
Like a club sandwich
Like a club, maybe
Like a clue that refers to itself
Like a clumsy boater
Like a clumsy lout
Like a clumsy marching band
Like a cluttered room
Like a coach after a rough game, maybe
Like a cob
Like a cobra
Like a cobra's bite
like a cobweb, covered with fine hairs
Like a cocked hat
like a code anyone can use
Like a coincidence that makes you go "Hmm ..."
Like a coincidence that raises the hair on the back of your neck
Like a cold day in August
Like a cold fish
Like a cold Shower
Like a cold shower?
Like a cold stare
Like a cold sufferer
Like a cold sufferer's voice
Like a cold-water flat
Like a cold, damp cellar
Like a cold, damp day
Like a cold, hard gaze
Like a collector's item
Like a college course labeled "101"
Like a combination lock
Like a comedian, hopefully
Like a comedy routine by 56-Across
Like a comestible
Like a comfortable pillow
Like a comfy pillow
Like a comics Pea?
Like a comment that may elicit "Oh, snap!"
Like a committee formed for a special purpose
like a companion
Like a compass needle
Like a competitor on "The Biggest Loser"
Like a complete 0-0-0 baseball game
Like a completed contract
Like a compliant cat
Like a computer icon
like a con artist
Like a con artist's business
Like a con man
like a concert album
Like a concert CD
Like a concert piano
Like a condor in the wild
Like a confirmed peacenik?
Like a conger
Like a congressional election year
Like a constellation
Like a contained enemy
Like a contest heading into sudden death
Like a contestant auditioning to be on "The Biggest Loser"
Like a contortionist
Like a contour sheet
Like a contract awarded without competition
Like a contract that's not competitive
Like a contract that's said to be "not worth the paper it's written on"
Like a control freak
Like a conversation at the next table, sometimes
Like a cook's water, perhaps
Like a cooked noodle
Like a cool autumn day
Like a Cool cat
Like a cool cat of the '40s
Like a cool fall morning
Like a coot
Like a copse
Like a Coquette
like a coquette
Like a coral reef
Like a cordial greeting
Like a corkscrew
Like a cornered cat
Like a corporal facing punishment, perhaps
Like a corrupt cop
Like a corset
Like a costly victory
Like a cotton farm, e.g.
Like a Couch potato
Like a country gentleman
Like a couple on old TV
Like a course labeled "101"
Like a court decision, often
Like a Cousteau exploration
Like a cowboy out of retirement?
Like a coxcomb
Like a cozy infant
Like a CPO
Like a crab apple
like a crab Move
Like a cracked door
like a cracker
Like a crank call
Like a crankcase
Like a crash-causing PC error
Like a Crayon Burnt color
Like a crazy hombre
Like a creaky door at midnight
Like a cream puff
Like a creative type
Like a creepazoid
Like a creepy flick
Like a crescent moon