Crossword Clue with L
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Like an Airedale Coat
Like an Airedale's coat
Like an airhead
Like an airhead (var.)
Like an alarm clock, night after night
Like an Alaskan winter
Like an albatross
Like an alert dog's ears
Like an alias
Like an all-star athlete
Like an all-weather stadium
Like an Allen wrench
Like an alley Cat
Like an alley cat
Like an alley cat, often
Like an alligator's skin
Like an almanac
like an amateur
Like an amateurish cake
Like an American in Europe
Like an American in Paris
Like an amnesiac's memories
Like an amoeba
like an anathema
like an anchorite
Like an ancient Andean civilization
Like an ancient empire
Like an angel
Like an angel or butterfly
Like an angel's head
like an angiosperm
Like an angle greater than 90 degrees
Like an angle less than 90┬░
Like an angle that's less than 90 degrees
Like an angry babe?
Like an angry cat's back
Like an angry Mao Zedong?
Like an angry mob
Like an angry perfumer?
Like an angry stare
Like an angry watch maker?
Like an angus
like an animal
Like an animal to avoid
Like an animal...
Like an animated Pea?
Like an Ann or Andy doll
Like an Annapolis academy
like an Annie Oakley
Like an annual Pebble Beach tourney
Like an anode: Abbr.
Like an ant.
Like an antique
like an antitoxin
Like an antonym: Abbr.
Like an apartment with new tenants
LIKE an apparition
Like an appetite that can be fulfilled
like an apple
Like an apple for applesauce
Like an arachnid's web
Like an arbor
like an arbuscle, a dwarf or shrub-like tree
Like an arc
like an arch
Like an arch in the chest
Like an arctic winter
Like an ardent fan
Like an arduous battle
Like an area that's off-limits
Like an aria
Like an aristocrat
Like an Arlington flame
Like an arm in a sling
Like an arm that's been slept on too long
like an armadillo
Like an armpatch, with "on"
Like an Arnold Palmer
like an arrow
like an ascon
like an asp
Like an asp's bite
Like an ass
Like an assured victory
Like an astronaut's drinks?
Like an atrium
Like an attentive dog's ears
Like an attractive personality
Like an audiobook
Like an audited class
Like an August day
Like an auto repair shop floor
Like an automatic weapon
Like an automaton
Like an autumn breeze
Like an autumn day
Like an available flat
Like an awards ceremony
Like an awesome party
Like an awful stand-up comedian?
like an axe in form
Like an eager "bird"
Like an eager beaver
Like an eager date, say
Like an eager guest
Like an eager Guest Homecoming
Like an eager guest, maybe
Like an Eagle
Like an eagle
like an eagle Attack
like an eagle Fly
Like an eagle in flight
Like an eagle's eye
Like an eagle's eyesight
Like an eagle's vision
Like an eagle's wingspan
Like an ear buildup
Like an ear-piercing sound
Like an early Central American civilization
Like an early contestant on "The Biggest Loser"
Like an early morning lawn, perhaps
Like an early-evening sky
Like an earworm
like an easily accomplished goal
Like an easy Grounder Kicks a
Like an easy job, slangily
Like an easy-to-answer question
Like an eavesdropper, say
Like an eccentric uncle
Like an echoey theater
Like an eclair
Like an eddy
Like an eel
Like an egg
Like an eggbeater
Like an egghead
Like an eggplant
Like an egocentric's attitude
like an egregious plot hole
Like an egret
Like an eider
Like an eisteddfod festival
Like an elaborate display, perhaps
Like an electric guitar
Like an electrical plug
Like an elephant
like an elf
Like an elf with a trust fund?
Like an elm or an ash
Like an email that just arrived
Like an embarrassed grin
Like an emcee who's overdoing it
Like an Emmett Kelly expression
Like an emoter
Like an emotionless comic delivery
Like an empty ship at sea
Like an encrypted transmission, in theory
Like an encyclopedist
Like an English teacher
Like an enthusiastic crowd
Like an enthusiastic fan
Like an envelope that's ready to be mailed
Like an environment that's difficult for farming
Like an epee
Like an épée's point
Like an epic fail
Like an Eremite
Like an escalator, and, aptly, like the six-letter word that begins where 40-Across ends
Like an escaped convict
Like an escapee
Like an evangelical Christian
Like an evening gown
Like an evening in a Frost title
Like an ewe
Like an exam sans pencils
Like an exceptionally pitched game
Like an excited stadium
Like an excited World Series crowd
Like an exclusive community
Like an exclusive group
Like an executrix: Abbr.
Like an exit ramp
Like an expert
Like an expired license
Like an expired parking meter
Like an extra sock
Like an extraordinarily pitched game
like an extremely lively party
Like an extremely tight race
Like an extremely unpleasant situation
Like an extremely well-pitched game
Like an eyeball
Like an eyebrow
Like an eyeroll-inducing joke
Like an eyes-only document, say
Like an eyesore
Like an F, vis-a-vis a D
Like an hour-long play, perhaps
Like an ice cap
Like an ice-covered road
Like an icecap
like an iconoclast
Like an icy road
Like an ideal negotiation
Like an ideal situation
like an ideogram
Like an idol
Like an Idol Biblical
Like an idol for a teen girl, say
Like an ignited dessert
Like an ignorer's ear, idiomatically
Like an ill-bred rotter
Like an ill-equipped rowboat
Like an ill-mannered kid
Like an ill-tended garden
Like an illegal boxing blow
Like an illegal prescription sale
Like an illustrator's fingertips, maybe
Like an immodest bathing suit
Like an impatient and competitive personality
Like an impish kid
Like an important father-son talk, perhaps
Like an imposition
Like an improperly hung picture
Like an in-person interview
Like an inactive lifestyle
Like an inaugural ball
Like an incomplete plan
Like an increase from six to sixty
Like an increasing amount of immigration to the U.S. nowadays
Like an incumbent who's lost reelection
Like an indirect route, maybe
Like an inevitable conclusion
Like an inexpensive store
Like an infamous "A"
Like an infamous Dallas knoll
Like an infamous knoll in Dallas
Like an infant
Like an infant's fingers, typically
Like an inferior substitute
Like an infested warehouse
Like an inflexible agreement
Like an ingenious solution
Like an ingenue
Like an inherent characteristic
Like an inner tube
Like an inner tube, geometrically
Like an innie, maybe
Like an innocent babe
Like an inoperative battery