Crossword Clue with L
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Like limestone, in a way
Like Limoges collectibles
Like limousine windows
Like limousines
Like Linc Hayes' squad
Like Linc Hayes's squad
Like Linc, Julie, and Pete's squad
Like Lincoln
Like Lincoln and Santa Claus, notably
Like Lincoln before his presidency
Like Lincoln in the Lincoln Memorial
Like Lincoln, in physique
Like Lincoln: Abbr.
Like Lincolns
Like Lindbergh in the Spirit of St. Louis
Like Lindbergh's 1927 flight to Paris
Like Lindbergh's famous flight
Like Lindbergh's flight
Like Lindbergh's historic trans-Atlantic flight
Like Lindsay Wagner, in 70's TV
Like line jumpers
Like linen
Like lines that never cross
Like lines that never meet
Like lines, briefly
Like lingerie
Like lingerie from Frederick's of Hollywood
Like lingerie models
Like links golf courses
Like links-style golf courses
Like Lionel trains
Like lions
Like lions and horses
Like lions and leopards
Like lions and tigers
Like lions and tigers and bears
Like lions or zebras
Like lions, but not tigers
Like lip-glossed lips
Like Lipitor
Like lips that sink ships
Like lipstick
Like lipstick and linoleum
Like Lipstick container
Like liquid in 10-Down
Like liquid nitrogen
Like liquor and cigarettes
Like lit lanterns
Like literati
Like liters
Like liters and grams
Like liters and kilos
Like liters and meters
Like liters or meters
Like litigants
Like litigation lacking legal merit
Like litmus, in an acid solution
Like Little Bo-Peep's charges
Like Little Bo-Peep's sheep
Like Little League World Series qualifying games
Like Little Red Riding Hood
Like little things
Like little-known facts
Like little, glittering eyes ... and a phonetic hint to this puzzle's four longest answers
Like lives in hives
Like Livy
Like Livy Info
Like Liz Taylor, many times
Like Liz Taylor's eyes
Like lizards and fish
Like lizards and lizardfish
Like llamas
Like llamas and Incas
Like lo-cal cuisine?
Like loads
like loaf sugar in texture
Like loafers
Like loamy soil
Like lobs
like locks on the floor
Like locoweed
Like Loesser's boat to China
Like log cabins
Like logical reasoning
Like logs
Like Logs Cut, as
Like logs that have been cut
Like logs, quaintly
Like Loki
Like Loki or Thor
Like Lombard Street in San Francisco
Like London fog
Like London in 1666
Like London Tube pricing
Like London weather
Like London's City Hall
Like long chances
Like long emails from old friends
Like long letters from old friends
Like long odds
Like long shots
Like long-running musicals, typically
Like long-winded orators
Like Longfellow's Evangeline
Like longship sailors
like Look
Like loose gems
Like loose pants
Like loose soil
Like loose stones
Like loose-leaf paper
Like looseleaf paper
Like loot, often
Like lop ears
Like Lord Voldemort
Like lords
Like Lorraine of song
Like Lorraine, of song
Like losers
Like losers, by definition
Like losers' faces after a buzzer-beating shot
Like losers' looks
Like losing wrestlers
Like losses, on some statements
Like losses, sometimes
Like losses, traditionally
Like lots
Like lots of cars on lots
Like lots of long letters
Like lots of shopping now
Like lots of unplanned-for plants
Like lots with lots of green
Like lotteries
Like lottery drawings
Like lottery winners
Like lottery winners, typically
Like loud crowds
Like loud phone conversations in public
Like Louis XV chairs
Like Louisiana cuisine
Like love potions
Like lovebirds
Like lovers walking
Like lovestruck eyes
Like loving caresses
Like loving couples, e.g.
Like low-energy gases
Like low-numbered billiard balls
Like low-visibility weather, sometimes
Like lower tuition
Like lowest-mileage driving
Like lowlifes
Like Loyola and Xavier universities
Like LP's
Like LPs and some dresses
Like lucid responses on Yahoo! Answers
Like Lucifer
Like Lucifer
Like Lucille Ball
Like lucky castaways
Like lucky charms
Like Lucy Locket's pocket
Like Lucy of "Peanuts"
Like luk thung
Like lumber
Like lumber in a mill
Like lumberjack jackets
Like lunatics' laughter
Like lunchtime
Like lungs
Like lungs or brains
Like Luther
Like Luther: Abbr.
Like Luxembourg, among European Union members
Like luxurious sheets
Like luxury goods
Like luxury hotel suites
Like luxury hotels
Like luxury items
Like luxury suites
Like lymphatic tissue
Like lyonnaise potatoes
Like lyric poetry
Like lyrics
Like lyrics that got Tipper Gore riled up
Like M, L or XL
Like M, L or XL, but not S
Like M. Poirot
Like M&M's
Like M&M's, and an apt description of 17-, 27- and 48-Across
Like Ma and Pa Kettle
Like Ma Rainey's music
Like Macaulay Culkin in a 1990 film
Like Macaulay Culkin on the "Home Alone" poster
Like macaws' plumage
Like Macbeth in "Macbeth"
Like MacDonald
Like MacDonald of song
Like Machiavellian politics
Like machine-stamped mail
Like macho push-ups
Like Machu Picchu
like mackerel
Like mackerel and cats?
Like Mad magazine
Like Madame Tussauds figures
like Made
Like Madison, Oscar
Like madrigals
Like Mae West
Like Mae West's persona
Like magazine copy
Like magazine mailings
Like Magellan, for long periods
Like Magellan, often
like magic
like magic squares
Like Magic?
Like magma
Like Mahler's Symphony No. 4
Like mail codes
Like mail in the P.O.
like mailman and waitress
Like main roads
Like Maine's Sen. Angus King
Like major appliance repairs
Like major generals
Like major sports games except baseball
Like Makarova's moves
like Make
Like malamutes
Like male chauvinists
Like male lions
Like male pigs
Like Maleficent, at times
Like Mali's desert
Like malingerers
like man
Like man's best friend
Like Mandarin and Igbo, linguistically
Like Mandarin Chinese, linguistically
Like Mandarin or Cantonese
Like mangos and bananas
Like Manhattan clam chowder
Like Manhattan's Chrysler Building
Like Manhattan's East Village
Like Manhattan's G.E. Building
Like Mann's mountain