Crossword Clue with L
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Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Like much jewelry, in ads
Like much Jewish food
Like much Junk mail
Like much junkyard metal
Like much Le Creuset cookware
Like much Lenny Bruce humor
Like much lingerie
Like much locker room humor
Like much locker room language
Like much London weather
Like much loose-leaf paper
Like much lore
Like much lost-and-found property
Like much lumber
Like much marshland
Like much media mail
Like much medicine
Like much meditation music
Like much modern music
Like much modern shopping and dating
Like much morning cereal
Like much museum art
Like much music
Like much music of the '90s
Like much music, starting in the late 1980s
Like much music, today
Like much Norton software
Like much notebook paper
Like much of Africa
Like much of April
Like much of Arizona
Like much of Arizona's climate
Like much of Australia's interior
Like much of Chile
Like much of Horace's poetry
Like much of Idaho
Like much of Iowa
Like much of Italy in 700 B.C.
Like much of Kansas
Like much of Keats's poetry
Like much of King's work
Like much of Libya's climate
Like much of Maine's coastline
Like much of Montana
Like much of Namibia
Like much of Nebraska
Like much of New Mexico
Like much of New Mexico's climate
Like much of New Orleans's French Quarter
Like much of New York
Like much of Niger
Like much of northern Siberia
Like much of Oregon
Like much of Pindar's work
Like much of Poe's work
Like much of Rossini's work
Like much of Saudi Arabia
Like much of Schoenberg's music
Like much of the Dakotas
Like much of the Danube's territory
Like much of the Everglades
Like much of the first movement of the "Moonlight" Sonata
Like much of the Mariana Trench
Like much of the New Testament
Like much of the Old West
Like much of the Southwest
Like much of the world's population
Like much of Webern's work
Like much office work
Like much oil
Like much ordinary history
Like much ore
Like much Oscar night garb
Like much Oscar-night attire
Like much plant life
Like much plumbing
Like much poetry
Like much politics
Like much post-Christmas business
Like much pottery
Like much processed wheat
Like much property
Like much protective wear
Like much pub ale
Like much pub grub
Like much radio
Like much religious music
Like much Renaissance art
Like much restaurant soup
Like much revenue
Like much rock ... and like the last words of 21-, 32- and 42-Across?
Like much rush-hour traffic
Like much rush-hour traffic, ironically
Like much Salad Bitter item
Like much sandpaper
Like much sandstone
Like much Schoenberg music
Like much Scotch
Like much Seattle weather
Like much served chicken
Like much sexy lingerie
Like much slapstick
Like much small print
Like much snack food
Like much snack food for hikers
Like much social interaction nowadays
Like much spam
Like much stand-up comedy
Like much Starbucks coffee
Like much state fair fare
Like much store-brand merchandise
Like much strenuous exercise
Like much summery footwear
Like much sushi
Like much tabloid fodder
Like much tax law
Like much tea
Like much tea in summer
Like much testimony
Like much Tex-Mex cuisine
Like much Thai cuisine
Like much tribal history
Like much tribal lore
Like much unheeded advice
Like much urban street parking
Like much Vegas stagewear
Like much wage discrimination
Like much whiskey
Like much Whole Foods merchandise
Like much wine
Like much wine and cheese
Like much writing paper
Like much yogurt
Like mucky swampland
like mucus
Like Mud
Like mud
Like mud between one's toes, say
Like mud in election season
Like mud on one's shoes
Like mud, in an idiom
like muddied water
Like Muddy Waters tunes
Like Muddy Waters' music
Like Muddy Waters's music
Like Muddy's music
Like mudpies and wax fruit
Like muesli
Like muggy weather
Like mugs and trophies
Like Muhammad's followers
Like mullahs
Like mummies
Like mumps
Like Munch's "The Scream," in 1994 and again in 2004
Like Munchkinland residents
Like Munchkins
Like murder mystery party
Like Muscat raisins
like muscle
Like muscle magazine models
Like muscles after doing CrossFit, perhaps
Like museum crowds
Like museum exhibits
Like mushroom heads
Like mushrooms and shrimp, often
Like music
Like music composed for a libretto
Like music in a candle shop, maybe
Like music on Pandora Radio
Like music that uses conventional keys and harmony
Like music to one's ears?
Like music with traditional harmony
Like music without a key
Like musical hooks
Like musical instruments
Like musically challenged ears?
Like muskrats
like mussel
Like Mussolini
Like Mustangs and Camaros
Like mustangs, for example
Like mustard
Like musty basements
Like musty cellars
Like mutton
Like mutton or sheep
Like Mylar
Like mysterious matters, often ... or hotels
Like n, where n = 2k (and "k" is a whole number)
Like N.F.L. games ending in a tie
Like N.Y.C.'s Rockefeller Center
Like Nadia Comaneci
like nafta
Like nail polish being blown on
Like nail-biters
Like nails
Like names on trophies, often
Like names starting "Ff-"
Like naming a fish Fluffy
Like NaNO2 in H2O
Like Napoleon
Like Napoleon before 64-Across?
Like Napoleon in 1814
Like Napoleon on Elba
Like Napoleon, before Elba?
Like Napoleon, ere he left Elba
Like Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo
Like Narcissus?
like narwhals and walruses
Like NASA and FEMA
Like nasal tones
Like Nasdaq securities: Abbr.
Like NASDAQ stock
Like NASDAQ trades
Like NASDAQ trading
Like Nash poems
Like Nash poetry
Like Nash's lama
Like Nasser's vision
Like Natalie Portman, by birth
Like national elections
Like nations on the way up
Like native llamas
Like Nativity fliers
Like natto
Like natural bridge
Like natural gas and carbon monoxide
Like natural numbers: Abbr.
Like natural talent
LIKE nature (pert. to)
Like naughty privates?
like navel
Like navel oranges
Like Navy SEALs
Like nay voters
Like NBA centers
Like NBA players
Like NCOs
Like near beer
Like nearly one-third of Africa
Like neat beds
Like neat drinks
Like neat freaks
Like neatniks
Like neatniks and clean freaks
Like Nebraska
Like negatively charged atoms
Like neglected carpets or dryers
Like neglected cereal