Crossword Clue with L
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Word Games
Crossword Solver
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Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Like the movies "10,000 B.C." and "2012"
Like the mumps
Like the Muppet chef
Like the museum crowd
Like the music in "Turkey in the Straw"
Like the music of Mingus or Monk
Like the musical gang
Like the musical intro to "The Twilight Zone"
Like the Muslim calendar
Like the Muslim Calendar abbr.
Like the mynah, by origin
Like the myth of Ragnarok
Like the mythical phoenix
Like the mythological Aesir-Vanir War
Like the N.B.A.'s Jason Collins, notably
Like the name "Bill" for a creditor
Like the name "Bryn Mawr"
Like the name "Robin Banks" for a criminal
Like the name "Will," for an estate lawyer
Like the name Joe, for a barista
Like the name Joy for a pessimist
Like the name Lily for a florist
Like the name Matt, for a yogi
Like the name Mike, for an emcee
Like the name Nguyen in Vietnam
Like the name Pat
Like the name Rex, for a bad driver
Like the name Robin
Like the Namib
Like the national anthem
Like the national currency known as the tala
Like the Navajo language
Like the NCAA basketball three-point line
Like the Negev
Like the nerve near an arm bone
Like the nervous system
Like the newest gadgetry, informally
Like the newest model, familiarly
Like the newspaper Al Shabiba
Like the night
Like the night in a classic Van Gogh work
Like the night in an 1889 Van Gogh painting
Like the night sky
Like the night, to Keats
Like the night, usually
Like the Nikkei and Hang Seng indexes
Like the Ninja Turtles
Like the Nissan Cube
Like the Nissan Cube, stylewise
Like the nobility
Like the noble elements
Like the noble gases
Like the Normandie, stylewise
Like the North Pole
Like the North Pole crew
Like the north side of a tree
Like the north side of some rocks
Like the north sides of some trees
like the north wind or northing lights
Like the nose on your face
Like the novels "Frankenstein" and "Dracula"
Like the null set
Like the number 19
Like the number 2021
Like the number 8, to the Chinese
Like the number of games in a "best of" series
Like the number of this clue
Like the numbers 2, 4 and 6
Like the numbers 8, 27 and 64
Like the numbers dos, cuatro, seis, ocho, etc.
Like the numbers of interstates that run north-south
Like the numeral DX
Like the numerals 1, 2 and 3
Like the numerals I, V, X and L
Like the numerals on a sundial
Like the numerals V and I
Like the o in GOP
Like the O.G.P.U.
Like the object of an "Aww!"
Like the oblique muscle
Like the obvious type
Like the occasional clean sock
Like the ocean
Like the ocean and most potato chips
Like the ocean around SEALAB
Like the ocean's roar
Like the oceans
Like the odds of finding a needle in a haystack
Like the Okefenokee
Like the old "Night Gallery" TV show
Like the old bucket
Like the old bucket of song
Like the old days, they say
Like the old explorers, often
Like the old mare
Like the old mare that "ain't what she used to be"
Like the old Sears Roebuck catalog
Like the oldest bread
Like the oldest jokes
Like the olfactory nerve, e.g.
Like the Olympic flame
Like the Olympics: Abbr.
Like the one born first
Like the one who can't bear you?
Like The Onion
Like the only nonrectangular national flag
Like the onstage behavior of many punk rock singers
Like the opening of "The Wizard of Oz"
Like the opening of several Liszt Hungarian Rhapsodies
Like the opening of the "Moonlight Sonata"
Like the opera "Wozzeck"
Like the Opry?
Like the OR
Like the orbit of Halley's Comet
Like the order of the letters in the first words of the starred entries, before being shaken up
Like the origin of the food in many fusion restaurants
Like the origin of the names for some days of the week
Like the origins of Holi and Tet
Like the Oscars and the Emmys
Like the other evil
Like the other side of the pillow
Like the other team
Like the other towel?
Like the out crowd?
Like the out-of-town team
Like the Outback
Like the outcome of a dice roll
Like the outdoors
Like the outer core of the earth
Like the outer matryoshka doll
Like the outfield walls at Wrigley Field
like the outside of a snake
Like the Owl and the Pussycat
Like the Oz woodsman
Like the pages of a much-handled book
Like the palace at Versailles
Like the Palace of Versailles
Like the Pantheon
Like the papacy of Pius IX, after St. Peter
Like the papaya used in Thai som tam
Like the Paris Opera
Like the Park family in "Parasite"
Like the part of a pool with a diving board
Like the part of a swimming pool with the diving board
Like the Parthenon
Like the Parthenon, e.g.
Like the Parthenon's columns
Like the passionate meteorlogist?
Like the pastor's book
Like the path of a high basketball shot
Like the path of least resistance
Like the path of the sun in the sky
Like the paths of satellites
Like the peace symbol
Like the peacemakers, biblically
Like the pen or pencil you might reach for
Like the Peninsula Hotel, Beverly Hills
Like the penny-stock mkt.
Like the people of Siberia
Like the people on the Forbes 400 list
Like the people photographed for Project 562
Like the people who invented golf
Like the perceptive meteorologist?
Like the perfect homemaker's home
Like the perfect place
Like the Perseid meteor shower
Like the person in a diet ad "after" picture
Like the Peruvian lowlands
Like the phase ending after 12
Like the Phillies' caps
Like the philosophy "Out with the old, in with the new"?
Like the phoenix out of the ashes
Like the pictures on
Like the Pilgrims, religiously
Like the Pilgrims: Abbr.
Like the pinky compared to the other fingers
Like the Piper
Like the Piper Actress
Like the piper in Hamelin
Like the Piper of Hamelin
Like the Piper's clothes
Like the plains
Like the planet Hoth in "The Empire Strikes Back"
Like the planet in "Dune"
Like the planets beyond the asteroid belt
Like the Pledge of Allegiance
Like the poem "Tam o' Shanter"
Like the pointed end of a pencil
Like the pointers on many signs
Like the Politburo
Like the population of Siberia
like the population of the united states
Like the population of Wyoming
Like the Poseidon, after the tidal wave
Like the post-Mardi Gras period
Like the posts at the top of a blog, typically
Like the posture of human beings
Like the posture of humans
Like the potatoes in shepherd's pie
Like the praying mantis, anatomically [weird, but true]
Like the pre-coll. supplies market
Like the pre-dawn sun
Like the pre-Easter period
Like the pre-Easter season
Like the preferable evil
Like the preferred evil?
Like the preferred of two evils
Like the prepositions in 23-, 35- and 46-Across
Like the presidencies of Taft and Hoover
Like the presidency of John Adams
Like the President 2nd
Like the president's office
Like the presidential suite
Like the previous clue (which originally read "Place of Jewish worship")
Like the proverbial beaver
Like the proverbial church mouse
Like the proverbial cucumber
Like the proverbial milk
Like the proverbial puppet?
Like the proverbial worm catcher
Like the puzzles on many kids menus
Like the QE2
like the quality of waste in the oceans
like the quantity of waste in the ocean
like the quantity of waste in the oceans
Like the queen in a 1977 #1 hit
Like the questions in 20 Questions
Like the Quran (Var.)
Like the rank of major general
Like the rare-earth elements
Like the rarer blood types, typically: Abbr.
Like the rarest rhino
Like the Reaper
Like the red panda, blue whale and black rhino
Like the relatives notified in emergencies, usually
Like the remains of sunken ships
Like the remnants of a volcanic eruption
Like the residents of Valhalla
Like the response "Talk to the hand!"
Like the review "Hated it," e.g.
Like the rhythm of a nursery rhyme
Like the Rice Krispies hucksters
Like the Rice Krispies mascots
Like the rich and beautiful
Like the rides in a kiddie park
Like the right third of Ireland's flag
Like the rightmost elements
Like the rim of an eyecup
Like the risk to bet on, maybe
Like the River Erne