Crossword Clue with L
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Like the road in a classic ballad
Like the road not taken
Like the Road Runner
Like the Robinsons of shipwreck fame
Like the rock in "Rock of Ages"
Like the Rock of Ages
Like the Rockettes
Like the role of Albus Dumbledore after the second Harry Potter movie
Like the Rolling Stones album "Get Yer Ya-Ya's Out!"
Like the Roman forum
Like the Roman god Janus
Like the roots of democracy
Like the Rose Bowl game
Like the Rose Bowl, with 92,542 spectators
Like the rotation of the earth
Like the ruins of Chichen Itza
Like the rumba, originally
Like the runt
Like the runt of the litter
like the s in aisle and island
Like the sabbath
Like the Sabin polio vaccine
Like the Sabin vaccine
Like the Sahara
Like the Sahara
Like the Sahara's climate
Like the Salt Lake Bees baseball team
Like the samba and salsa
Like the same old, same old
Like the SAT and GRE
Like the SATs
Like the score 20-20
Like the score 7-7
Like the score at the start of the 10th inning
Like the screws in eyeglasses
Like the sea
Like the sea lion
Like the sea?
Like the seafood in sushi
Like the season before Easter
Like the seats in an SRO performance
Like the serpent in 65-Across
Like the service academies
Like the setting of "Green Acres"
Like the settings of typical Grant Wood paintings
Like the settlers of Iceland
Like the sexual references in PG-13 movies
Like the Shadow
like the sherman act
Like the Sherpas
Like the shortest plays
Like the show "Tru," e.g.
Like the sides of a 49-Across
Like the signatures of outgoing people, it's said
Like the simplest instructions
Like the simplest process
Like the simplest processes
Like the Simpson kids' hair
Like the Sinai
Like the singing of 48 Down
Like the Sisters in "Macbeth"
Like the Six Million Dollar Man
Like the skies in "Ulalume"
Like the skin of fish and reptiles
Like the skin of most fish
Like the sky
Like the sky (unless you're an astronaut)
Like the sky at dawn or sunset
Like the sky during fireworks
Like the sky on a moonless night
Like the sky on cloudless nights
Like the sky, in France
Like the skyline drive
Like the slalom
Like the slang "da bomb" and "tubular, man!"
Like the smallest bands
Like the smallest in a litter
Like the smallest kind of garage
Like the smallest of the litter
Like the Smashing Pumpkins' rat
Like the smell of a brewery
Like the smell of a cheap tavern
Like the smell of a keg party
Like the smell of burning rubber
Like the smell of burning tires
Like the smell of fresh pine
Like the smell of rising dough
Like the smell of rotten eggs
Like the smell of soil
Like the smell of some bread
Like the smell of stale lager
Like the smell of success
Like the Smoky Mountains
Like the snow in a shaken snow globe
Like the snowy owl
Like the social class that includes managers
Like the SoHo crowd
Like the soles of Louboutin shoes
Like the soles of walking boots
Like the son in a Biblical parable
Like the son in a Biblical teaching
Like the son in a parable of Jesus
Like the song's waves of grain
Like the sordid side of life
Like the sound "ng"
like the sound of a chicken
Like the sound of a clarinet
Like the sound of a creaky staircase
Like the sound of a gong
Like the sound of a siren
Like the sound of a teakettle
Like the sound of an oboe
Like the sound of bagpipes
Like the sound of oboes
like the sound tsk
Like the sounds "m" and "n"
like the sounds of frogs and crows
Like the space around a first-class seat, say
Like the Spaceship Earth sphere
Like the Span. armada?
Like the spectacled bear
Like the speech of a person with a cold
Like the spelling "kuh-zin" for "cousin," e.g.
Like the Sphinx
Like the Sphynx cat
Like the spire of Manhattan's Chrysler Building
Like the spotted owl
Like the SST fleet: Abbr.
Like the stables cleaned by Hercules
Like the stables cleaned by Hercules in a single day
Like the star on Texas' flag
Like the stars
Like the starting team, and a hint to the answers to starred clues
Like the starts of the answers to the six starred clues
Like the States, to a Brit
Like the statue of David
Like the Statue of Liberty at night
Like the steppes
Like the stepsisters in "Cinderella"
Like the stereotypical beach bum
Like the stereotypical ditz
Like the stereotypical locker room
Like the stereotypical umpire
Like the stereotypical witch's nose
Like the sticks
Like the stone that slew Goliath
Like the store brand, say
Like the storied duckling
Like the storied man without a country
Like the stranger in Camus's "The Stranger"
Like the street grid of Midtown Manhattan
Like the strings on many tennis rackets
Like the students at Gallaudet
like the stuff you shouldnt sweat
Like the style of TV's "Batman"
Like the suffix '-ess,' nowadays
Like the sugar in cotton candy
Like the sukhasana posture in yoga
Like the summer sun
Like the sun
Like the sun after dawn
Like the sun at dawn
Like the sun at sunset
Like the sun god Inti
Like the Super Bowl
Like the Super Bowl broadcast
Like the Super Bowl telecast
Like the surf
Like the surface of Mars
Like the surface of Mercury
Like the surface of the moon
Like the T206 Honus Wagner baseball card
Like the table that hangs in a lab
Like the tabloids
Like the Taipei 101 skyscraper
Like the Taj Mahal
Like the tales in a Hawthorne title
Like the talk of the town
Like the talus
Like the taste of a bialy
Like the taste of aspirin
Like the taste of calamansi
like the taste of candy
like the taste of coffee or grapefruit
Like the taste of much breakfast juice
Like the taste of rhubarb
like the taste of sea water
Like the taste of starfruit
Like the taste of venison
Like the taste of vinegar
Like the team before @, on schedules
Like the technology of 1-, 7-, 63- and 64-Across, and 1-, 14-, 38- and 46-Down
Like the teeth of many combs
Like the teeth of tense people
Like the telecast of the 1954 Rose Bowl parade, notably
Like the terms "mailman" and "comedienne," say
Like the Texas flag's star
Like the Texas star
Like the text on proof sheets
Like the texture of cornbread
Like the thematic parts of this crossword
Like the theme creatures
Like the thief at 17- and 27-Across
Like the thing not to do
Like the thinnest bowler?
Like the third letter of "talking"
Like the three branches of the U.S. government
Like the three men of the "Rub-a-dub-dub" nursery rhyme
Like the Three Stooges
Like the three-toed sloth, among all animals
Like the tide, at times
like the tides of the seasons
Like the time of jousts
Like the Times
Like the Tin Man, upon discovery
Like the Titanic
Like the Titanic, for a while
Like the Titanic's voyage
Like the title girl in a 2014 David Fincher film
Like the title woman of a Gene Wilder film
Like the tone of a talking-to
Like the top floor of the Beverly Wilshire
Like the top half of Monaco's flag
Like the top medalists at the 2000 Olympics: Abbr.
Like the top of a cappuccino
Like the top of Fuji
Like the top of the Capitol
Like the top stripe of a pride flag
Like the topmost emails in an inbox
Like the topography of San Francisco
Like the Topoxte archaeological site
Like the tops of cupcakes
Like the tops of dunce caps
Like the tops of many porticoes
Like the tortoise in the fable, ultimately
Like the tortoise, vis-a-vis the hare
like the toughest problems
Like the Tower of Babel, in two ways
Like the Tower of Pisa
Like the town in a Ricky Nelson hit
Like the Toyota Prius
Like the trade winds
Like the trades
Like the trail on a cattle drive
Like the Triple Word Score squares in Scrabble
Like the Trojan horse
Like the tropics
Like the Tudors, originally
Like the tundra
Like the two 40-Across in the grid for this answer