Crossword Clue with L
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Long and winding road shape
Long and winding road's shape
long angry speech
Long answer on a test
LONG aperture in fabric or machine made to admit some other part
LONG arched gallery
Long arduous journey
Long arm
long armed ape
Long arms?
Long artificial mound
Long attack
Long attacks
long audible breath expressing sadness, tiredness, relief, or longing
Long autos
Long avenue or garden path
Long ball
long band of contrasting colour or substance
Long bar on a computer
Long baseball hits
Long basket, in basketball lingo
Long basket, in basketball slang
Long basket, in basketballese
Long basket, in hoops lingo
Long basket's point value
Long baskets, in basketballese
Long baskets, in NBA lingo
long bath
Long baths
Long battle
Long battles
Long Beach and Texas City, e.g.
Long Beach-to-Catalina transport
long beaked bird
Long beat?
Long beginning
Long belt
Long bench with backs
long billed wading bird
long bitter hostility between two people or groups
Long black Cadillac, often
Long blog comment, perhaps
Long blog entry, maybe
LONG blouse
Long boa
LONG board
long boats for fishing
Long bone
long bone in the forearm
Long bones
long boots for fishing
long boots for shipping
Long border range
long bounding strides
Long bout
Long bow sound
Long Branch Saloon "Miss"
Long Branch Saloon proprietress
Long break
Long broadside
Long building project, in a cliché
Long campaign
Long car
Long car trip?
Long car, for short
Long carpet
Long cars
long central part of a church
Long chain letters
Long chain of hills
Long Chat
LONG chronicle
Long chronicles
LONG cigar
Long cigars
Long classic film
Long clerical vestments
Long click, in Morse code
LONG close garment
long clothes
Long coarse hair
long coat
long coat closed up to the neck, worn by men in India
Long cold period
Long cold spell
Long collarless robe
long communal dwelling of Native American peoples
long complicated procedure
LONG conical-billed bird
Long continued practice
Long couch
Long cream cake
Long cream puff
Long cry as of siren
Long cry of pain
long curl
long curls
Long curtains
Long cushion
long cut
Long cuts
Long dagger
Long dagger with a straight blade
Long dashes
Long day's journey
Long Day's Journey __ Night
Long Day's Journey ___ Night (Eugene O'Neill play)
Long Day's Journey Into Night dramatist
Long Day's Journey Into Night writer
Long decorative ribbon
Long deep cut
Long deep slash
long deep track
Long deeply
Long deli sandwich
Long deli sandwiches
Long departed
Long depression
Long depression in the land
long difficult journey, esp on foot
Long discourse
LONG discourse on subject
Long display beside the Secretariat
Long dissertations
long distance athlete
long distance auto race
Long distance caller of fiction
Long distance car race
Long distance co. in 1101?
Long distance giant
Long distance inits.
Long distance line
Long distance requirement
long distance service at fixed rates for fixed zones
LONG distance telephone call
Long distance units
long distance walking
Long distance, figuratively
Long distance, informally
long distancing
Long ditch
Long division for civil engineers
Long division result
Long division?
Long divisions?
Long doleful cry
Long draft
long drawn out battle
Long dress
Long dresses
long dried grass
long drink
long drink of
Long drink of water
Long drive
Long drives, hopefully
long dry dehiscent fruit of cruciferous plants such as the wallflower
long dry period
long dune lying in the direction of the prevailing wind
Long E's, in Greek
Long eared animal
Long eared pet
long eastern garments
Long ending?
Long English assignment
Long essay
Long established
long eventful journey
Long exam answer
LONG excavation
long exciting adventure tale
Long expeditions
Long faces
Long familiar
LONG family chronicle
Long feather
Long feature of a crocodile
Long feeding trough
Long fellow?
long fictitious story in book form
Long fights
long figures
Long film
Long film with a big cast
long films
long fine thread
long fingernail
Long finish?
Long firearm
LONG fish
Long fish used in sushi
Long fish with a row of barbs
Long fishes
Long flag
long flat bone to which most of the ribs are attached
long flat parasitic worm living in the intestines of vertebrates
long flat piece of sawn timber
LONG flattened ribbon worms
LONG fleshy-rooted vegetable plant
long flexible rod used to apply medication
long flexible shoot that occurs in certain plants
Long flexible snout
Long flight feature, often
Long flights
Long flower
Long flower in France
LONG flower-stalk coming directly from root
long flowing garment
Long flowing garments
Long follower
Long food fish with strong teeth
Long foot journey
Long footrace
Long footrace, for short
long for
Long for a snake?
Long for another chance at
long for desire
long for miss
Long for Morse
Long for one's lost Louisville Slugger?
Long for something
Long for with envy
Long for, with "to"
Long forward pass
Long freight carrier, on the water
Long French river
Long fur scarfs
long garment
long garment worn by Muslim women
Long geologic stretches
Long geologic time division
Long geologic time period
Long geological period
Long geological period (var.)
Long geological span
Long geological stretch
Long geological time
Long geological time period
Long gestation for a film, informally
Long golf club
Long golf shot
Long gone
Long gone, in a way
Long grain and brown
long grass in North American prairie
Long Greek promenade
Long green
Long green box?
Long green dispenser, for short