Crossword Clue with L
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
LANGUAGE functions, complete loss of
LANGUAGE functions, partial loss of
language Gaelic
language German
Language group including Hebrew
Language group including Shona and Swahili
Language group including Zulu
Language group of central Africa
Language group of southern Africa
Language group of Zulu
Language group related to Yupik
Language group that gave us "banjo" and "gumbo"
Language group that gave us "kayak"
Language group that includes Inupiaq and Inuktitut
Language group that includes Swahili
Language group that includes Xhosa
Language group that includes Yucatec
Language group that includes Zulu
Language group that includes Zulu and Swahili
language gypsy
LANGUAGE having no grammatical structure
Language heard along the Mekong
Language heard in Karachi
Language heard in the Outer Hebrides
Language heard on Cape Breton Island
language Hebrides hill
language Hittite
Language in "another serving"?
Language in "persecute"
Language in "Purdue"
Language in "scatter seed"
Language in "The Passion of the Christ"
Language in an etymology
Language in Bad Bunny songs
Language in Bangkok
Language in Lahore
Language in Leipzig
Language in Lima
Language in Mumbai
Language in New Delhi
Language in Pakistan
Language in Rawalpindi
language in south africa
Language in Southeast Asia
Language in Tehran
Language in the Dead Sea Scrolls
Language in the Dravidian family
Language in the Tai family
Language in the Thai group
Language in Vientiane
Language in which 'Hello, how are you?' is 'HalÔö£Ôûô, ciamar a tha thu?'
Language in which "dd" and "ff" are treated as single letters of the alphabet
Language in which "foot" is "pie"
Language in which "hai" means "yes"
Language in which "Hello, how are you?" is "Salut, ce mai faci?"
Language in which "Hello, how are you?" is "Saluton, kiel vi fartas?"
Language in which "hello" is "annyeonghaseyo"
Language in which "hello" is "kaixo"
Language in which "jenga" means "build"
Language in which "k" and "v" are the words for "to" and "in"
Language in which "kemosabe" means "white shirt"
Language in which "kia ora" is a greeting
Language in which "lion" is "simba"
Language in which "maraming salamat" means "thank you very much"
Language in which "Pakistan" means "land of the pure"
Language in which "seven" is "jet"
Language in which "simba" means "lion"
Language in which "talofa" means "hello"
Language in which "Thank you very much" is "Diolch yn fawr iawn"
Language in which "thank you" is "grazie," to natives
Language in which "thank you" is "grazzi"
Language in which "Thank you" is "Gura mie ayd"
Language in which "thank you" is "khob chai"
Language in which "w" and "y" are considered vowels
Language in which "water" is "kuuyi"
Language in which "yes" and "no" are "ja" and "nein"
Language in which a nutty person might be told "Yer bum's oot the windae"
language in which hello is xin chao
Language in which many websites are written
Language in which most words rhyme
Language in which the first four cardinal numbers are ane, twa, three and fower
Language in which the first six counting numbers are tasi, lua, tolu, fa, lima and ono
Language in which the majority of words are monosyllabic
Language in which you might be greeted "Hullo, hoo are ye?"
Language in Y2K news
language India
language Indian
language Indonesia
Language introduced in 1995
Language invented by the Bee Gees?
language invented for international use
Language involving fine print?
language Iran
language Iranian
language Irish
language Iroquoian Indian
language jargon
Language Jesus spoke
Language kin of Hindi
Language known to native speakers as "gjuho shqipe"
Language known to native speakers as "te reo"
Language known to native speakers as Gaelg
language Koran deity
language Kuala Lumpur country
language laden with jargon from psychotherapy or psychiatry used without much concern for accuracy
language Lahore garb
Language learner's challenge
Language learner's hurdle
language Leif Father of
Language lesson
Language lesson subject
Language letters
language Limerick
Language linked to the Y2K problem
language Livy Info
language lover
language made up of elements of other languages
Language mangler
Language manglers, e.g.
language Mass
Language maven Newman
Language maven Partridge
language meaning pertaining to
language Mongolia
Language name suffix
Language named for a mathematician
language Nigeria
language Nigeria city
Language not traditionally written with spaces between words
Language oddity
Language of "ajeossi" and "ajumma"
Language of 100,000+ Canadians
Language of 14-Across
Language of 15-Across 4-Down
Language of 19-Across
Language of 350 million
Language of 366 million
Language of 380 million
Language of 50 Across
Language of 63 Across
Language of 800+ million
Language of 90 million Africans
language of a country
Language of a novel
language of a people
LANGUAGE of a political community distinct from the official language
LANGUAGE of a trade
Language of Afghanistan
Language of Africa
Language of ancient Carthage
Language of ancient Ireland
Language of ancient Rome
Language of Andhra Pradesh, India
Language of Bangkok
Language of Bangladesh
Language of biblical times
Language of Borneo
LANGUAGE of Campania (pert. to the)
language of canada
LANGUAGE of canonical literature
Language of Cape Town
Language of Cardiff
Language of Chile
Language of Copenhagen, in Copenhagen
Language of Delhi
LANGUAGE of diplomacy
Language of early inscriptions
Language of East Africa
Language of East India
Language of Egypt
Language of Ethiopia
Language of Ghalib's poetry
Language of Gujarat
language of helsinki
Language of Homer
Language of India
Language of India 1998 headline event in
Language of India and Pakistan
Language of India with a palindromic name
Language of Indochina
Language of Iran
Language of Iraq
Language of Ireland
Language of Islamabad
Language of Isr.
Language of Israel
language of Italy
Language of Julius Caesar's ancestors
Language of Karachi
Language of Karnataka, India
Language of Kathmandu
Language of Katmandu
Language of Kenya
Language of Kenya: Abbr.
Language of Kerala, India
Language of Koran
Language of Kosovo
Language of Kuala Lumpur
Language of Lahore
Language of Lebanon
Language of Leonardo
Language of Lermontov: Abbr.
Language of Libya
Language of Liechtenstein
Language of Literature Nobelist Shmuel Yosef Agnon
Language of los Estados Unidos
Language of Louisiana
Language of Lucretius
Language of many a motto
Language of many courtroom phrases
Language of many Kosovars
Language of many mottos
Language of many state mottos
Language of Mexico
language of milan
Language of most people
Language of Mumbai, India
Language of N. Amer.
Language of Navarre
Language of New Zealand
Language of North Africa and the Middle East
Language of Northeast Spain
Language of old Rome
Language of Orissa, India
Language of Oslo, in Oslo
Language of Pakistan
Language of Picasso
language of politicians and officials regarded as deliberately ambiguous and misleading
Language of Polynesia
Language of Qatar
Language of Sanskrit
Language of science
Language of Scotland
Language of Singapore
Language of software engineers
Language of South Asia
Language of Southeast Africa
Language of Southeast Asia
Language of southern Africa
Language of southern China
Language of southern India
Language of southern India and Sri Lanka
Language of Spanish region
Language of Sri Lanka
Language of Sri Lanka and southern India
Language of Stockholm
Language of Syria
Language of Tamilnadu, India
Language of the 18th-century poet Mir Taqi Mir
Language of the 1983 film title "Koyaanisqatsi"