Crossword Clue with M
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
make a reference to
make a rejoinder
Make a remark
make a replica of
make a reproduction or copy of
Make a request
Make a request (for)
MAKE a request for
make a request for something
Make a request of a waiter
make a request or demand for something to somebody
Make a Reservation
Make a reservation
Make a reservation for
Make a retro T-shirt
make a return thrust
Make a reversal
Make a rhythmic hum
Make a rhythmic humming sound
make a rhythmic sound
Make a right or left
Make a right turn?
Make a right, say
Make a ringing metallic sound
Make a ringing noise
Make a ringing sound
Make a ringlet
Make a rip in
Make a road
Make a roof from straw
Make a round trip?
Make a row in the Garden area
Make a rude face
Make a rug
Make a ruling
Make a rumbling sound
Make a run
Make a run for it
Make a running start at marriage?
Make a rural delivery
make a rushing sound when moving
Make a rustling sound
Make a sacrifice, perhaps
Make a sacrifice?
make a sad face and thrust out one's lower lip
Make a sales visit to
Make a scapegoat
Make a scarf
Make a scarf, maybe
Make a scarf, perhaps
Make a scarf, say
make a scene
Make a scene, in a way
Make a scene, say
Make a scene?
Make a screenplay out of, maybe
Make a seam
make a search
Make a second account
Make a second attempt
Make a second course change
Make a second offer
Make a second try
Make a second visit
Make a secret plan
Make a selection
Make a Selection Auto
Make a selection, with "for"
make a series of short boat excursions
Make a serious effort
make a serious effort to attain something
Make a shambles of
Make a sharp Turn
Make a sharp turn back
Make a sheepshank
make a shift in or exchange of
Make a ship stop by facing the wind
make a short explosive noise
make a show of
Make a show of wealth
Make a show-offy basket
MAKE a showy display
make a shrill creaking, squeaking, or noise, as of a door, mouse, or bird
make a shrill, wailing sound
Make a shrine to, say
make a sibilant sound
Make a side comment
Make a silhouette
Make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, e.g.?
Make a silly mistake
Make a sinner thinner?
Make a situation less tense
Make a sketch
Make a sketch of
Make a sketch of guards and tackles?
MAKE a slave
make a slave of
make a slave of (someone)
make a slave of someone
Make a slight adjustment to
Make a slight correction?
Make a slight move
Make a slight movement
Make a slip
Make a slit in
Make a slow Transition
Make a small boat move
Make a small cut
make a small cut in
make a small cut or score into
make a small hole into, as with a needle or a thorn
Make a small jump
Make a small move
make a smudge on
Make a snack of
Make a snake nonvenomous, e.g.
Make a snakelike sound
Make a snarling sound
Make a snowboarding jump
make a soft rustling sound
make a soft swishing sound
Make a solemn promise
Make a solemn promise to marry
Make a solemn request
Make a somnolent sound
Make a soufflé
Make a sound
make a sound like a clock or a timer
make a sound like a liquid that is being poured from a bottle
make a sound like frying fat
Make a sound of fright
Make a sound of shock
make a sound typical of metallic objects
Make a sound while in deep sleep
make a spectacle
Make a Speech
Make a speech
Make a Splash
make a spoof of or make fun of
Make a spooky visit
Make a stab
Make a stab at
make a stand
make a stand on
Make a stand?
MAKE a start
Make a start, perhaps
Make a statement
Make a statue of, say
Make a Statute
Make a statute of
Make a steel sculpture, say
Make a steep downward plunge
Make a steer of a bull
Make a Stink
Make a stink?
make a stir
Make a stocking cap
make a strenuous or labored effort
Make a string of purls?
Make a stud payment
Make a study of
Make a sub disappear
Make a submarine disappear?
Make a subtle exit
Make a successful getaway from
Make a sucker of
make a sucking sound
Make a sudden advance
Make a sudden attack
Make a sudden change
make a sudden movement in a new direction so as to avoid
make a sudden powerful jump
Make a sudden sharp movement
Make a sudden turn
Make a suggestion
Make a suggestive look towards
Make a summary
make a summary or abstract of a legal document and inscribe it in a list
Make a summation?
Make a summoning sign
Make a surprise visit
Make a swap
Make a Sweater
MAKE a sweater
Make a sweater or scarf
Make a sweater, e.g.
Make a sweater, perhaps
Make a sweater, say
make a sweeping movement
make a swirling or rustling sound when moving or pouring out
Make a switch with
make a synopsis of
Make a T-shirt quilt, for example
Make a tantara
Make a tape of
Make a target of
Make a tear in
Make a temporary stitch
make a thrusting forward movement
Make a tinkling sound
Make a tiny cut
Make a top 10 list
Make a top ten list, e.g.
Make a total
Make a touchdown
Make a touchdown, e.g.
Make a tough choice, with "over"
Make a Trade
make a transfer of money
Make a travel reservation
Make a trial run
Make a trial run with
Make a tunnel
Make a turnover, say
Make a twist from
Make a type of lace
Make a typo
Make a typo ... or miss one
Make a typo, say
Make a uey
Make a valiant effort
make a vassal of
Make a VCR error, perhaps
Make a vessel fast
make a vibrant noise, of grasshoppers or cicadas
make a vibrant sound, as of some birds
Make a video
Make a video about lowlifes?
Make a Video dot
Make a villainous face
MAKE a volte
Make a wager
Make a wake
make a warming
Make a watercolor
make a way or path by removing objects
MAKE a way through
make a weak hissing or bubbling sound
Make a weak hissing sound
make a weak, chirping sound
MAKE a web
Make a Web Access the
Make a web site?
make a wet sucking sound, as by walking through mud
make a whining, ringing, or whistling sound
make a whole
Make a wide sweeping search
make a wide, sweeping search of
Make a widow