Crossword Clue with M
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Make a wild throw, say
MAKE a will
Make a window frame watertight
Make a woodcut, say
Make a wool cap, say
Make a workplace uncomfortable
Make a wrong choice
Make a wrong choice, e.g.
Make a wrong decision
Make a wrong guess, e.g.
Make a wrong move
Make a wrong turn, e.g.
Make a wrong turn, say
make a wry face
Make a yowling sound
Make a zombie, say
Make a-mends?
MAKE able to explode
make absolute
Make absolutely plain
Make absolutely sure
Make absurdly easy, with "down"
Make academic
Make accommodations
MAKE account of
make accountable for
Make accusations
make accusations against a rival candidate
Make accustomed
Make accustomed (Var.)
Make accustomed to
Make accustomed to (Var.)
make acid
make acquainted
Make across-the-board cuts?
make active
make active or more active
make actual or real
make acute
MAKE addition to
Make additional cuts
Make additional revisions
Make additions to
Make addresses
Make aditional cuts
Make adjustments
Make adjustments to
Make advances to
make advances to someone, usually with a proposal or suggestion
Make advances toward
Make advances, of sorts
Make advances?
make aesthetic
Make affiliated with Lamborghini
MAKE after
Make after expenses
Make again
make again in a different way
MAKE against
Make agitated
MAKE aimless movements at, with, etc.
Make airier, as flour
MAKE airtight
Make Airtight It may be
Make airtight, in a way
Make airtight, maybe
Make ale
Make alencon
make alike
make alkaline
Make all atwitter
Make all better
Make all decisions
MAKE all square
make all tight
Make all twisty
MAKE allegations against
make allowance
make allowance for
Make allowances for
Make allusion (to)
Make allusions
Make allusions (to)
MAKE allusions to
Make alterations
Make alterations to
Make alternations
Make altogether
Make amends
make amends (for sin or wrongdoing)
Make amends (for)
make amends for
Make amends for guilt or sin
MAKE amends for sin
make American in character
Make amorous advances
make amorous advances towards
make an
Make an abjuration
Make an abrupt change ... and a hint to this puzzle's theme
make an accidental noise while broadcasting
Make an accusation
make an address
Make an adjustment, as to a spark plug
Make an advance
Make an afghan
Make an afghan, perhaps
Make an aggressive noise
Make an all-out effort
Make an allocution
Make an allusion (to)
make an allusion to
Make an altar vow
make an alteration
Make an Amazon visit, say
make an analogy
Make an analogy with, with "to"
make an analysis of (something)
Make an annual change?
Make an antimacassar
make an apology
make an appeal
Make an Appearance
make an appearance
Make an appearance at
make an appointment
Make an appraisal
Make an aquatint
make an arrest
Make an artistic impression
make an ass of
Make an ass out of u and me, as they say
Make an assertion
Make an attempt
MAKE an attempt (colloq.)
MAKE an attempt to secure (fig.)
Make an attention-getting sound
Make an ax squeal
Make an earnest appeal
make an earnest request
Make an edge sharper
Make an Effort
make an effort
make an effort or attempt
make an effort to
make an effort to do something
Make an effort to find
Make an effort to get swole
make an effort to see
Make an electrical connection by use of heat and alloy
Make an embarrassing mistake
Make an emergency landing
make an emergency landing on water
Make an emotional appeal
MAKE an end
MAKE an end of
Make an enemy
Make an enemy of
Make an engaging offer?
Make an engraving
Make an enquiry
Make an entrance
make an error
Make an escape
Make an estimate of
Make an evaluation of
Make an evasive maneuver
Make an event
Make an exact copy of
Make an example of
Make an exception?
Make an exchange
Make an exit
Make an extended delivery
Make an extra effort
Make an honest man of, so to speak
Make an hourly wage
Make an identification digitally?
MAKE an idol
Make an illegal crossing
Make an image
Make an imitation of
Make an impact
make an impertinent or uninvited inquiry into a private matter
Make an important delivery
Make an Impression
make an impression
Make an impression on?
Make an Impression or mark on
Make an impression, as on glass
Make an impression, in a way
Make an impression?
Make an impressive delivery
Make an in
Make an inauguration affirmation
make an incision
make an incision into by carving or cutting
Make an incorrect choice, e.g.
Make an indirect reference
Make an indirect reference (to)
Make an inquiry
MAKE an interruption
make an inversion
make an isle of
make an itemized list or catalog of
Make an itinerary
Make an oath
Make an objection
make an occasion
Make an offer
Make an offer for at auction
Make an officer
Make an officer, maybe
make an official inspection on foot of
make an official transcription of
Make an old kitchen new, say
Make an oopsie
Make an opening having divergent sides
Make an opening offer?
Make an ostentatious display
Make an outline of
Make an outstanding design?
make an sharply curtailed twang
Make an unalterable decision
Make an unannounced call
make an uncontrolled, short, jerky motion
make an uninvited or presumptuous inquiry
make an unreasonable profit, as on the sale of difficult to obtain goods
make an unsuccessful effort to vomit
Make an unwanted appearance in a video call
Make analogies
make anarchic
Make and ___
Make and serve drinks
Make anew
Make anew, as a trench
Make Angry
Make angry
Make angry (with "up")
make angry or excited
Make angry, with "up"
Make annoyed
Make annual changes?
Make another attempt
Make another duplicate of
Make another eBay offer
Make another offer
Make another recording
Make another recording of
Make another Sheepshank