Crossword Clue with M
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Make another sheepshank, e.g.
Make another tape of
Make another version
Make another version of
MAKE answer in action or word
MAKE anxious
make apparent by one's mood or behavior
make appear small by comparison
Make applicable
Make applicable, as a law
make application
MAKE application for
Make aquatints
Make arable, perhaps
MAKE arduous journey on foot
Make arduous progress
make areference
make aromatic
make arrangements
make arrangements for
Make arrangements for one's fast break
Make art like 53-/21-Across (as suggested by this puzzle's circled letters?)
Make art on glass
Make art on glass or metal
Make art using 4-Down
Make art with acid
Make artificially better, with "up"
Make as a claim
Make as a heat-and-serve product, say
make as big or large as possible
Make as good as can be
Make as good as new
Make as good as possible
Make as if
Make as new
MAKE as one
make ashamed
make ashen
Make aspic
make assertion
make assertion repeatedly
make assessment
Make asymmetrical
MAKE at home with
Make at the office
Make at work
MAKE attack
MAKE attack upon
MAKE attraction of
MAKE attractive
make attractive or acceptable
make attractive or lovable
Make attractive requests?
Make attractive, in a way
make Auto
make automatic
Make Available
make available
Make available electronically
Make available for purchase
Make available for use
Make available in advance
Make available to new tenants
Make available, as time
MAKE averse
MAKE aware
make aware (of)
Make Aware Be of
Make aware of
make aware of possible danger or harm
make away with
Make babies
Make baby booties
Make baby pap
Make back
make back an investment
Make back, as initial costs
Make bacon?
MAKE bad
make bad 'l' or 'r' sounds
make bad blood
make bad choice
Make bad news easier to take
MAKE bad use of
make bad worse
make badly
Make balanced
MAKE ball backspin
MAKE ball bounce
MAKE ball rise
Make baloney?
Make bananas?
Make bank withdrawals?
MAKE bankrupt
MAKE barbarous
Make bare
Make barely perceptible progress
make barrels and casks
MAKE base
make basic
Make baskets
Make baskets, e.g.
Make batter
Make beads, say
make beam
make bear
Make bearable
make beastly noise
make beautiful
make beautiful with detail
Make Beer
MAKE beer
MAKE beer into hot drink with sugar and spices
Make beer or coffee
Make beer or tea
Make beer, e.g.
Make beforehand, as a dinner dish
Make beholden
Make believable
Make Believe
make believe with the intent to deceive
Make believe, on stage
MAKE bell sound
Make Beloved
Make beloved
MAKE best of
Make Better
Make better
make better or improve in quality
make better or more attractive
Make better, as a deal
Make better, as cheddar
Make biased
Make biased or distorted
Make big
Make big bucks
Make big cuts
Make big decisions for others
Make big strides
Make big, as hair
Make big, as Hair Angel
Make big, in a way
MAKE bigger
make bigger or more
make bigger or wider in size, volume, or quantity
Make bigger, briefly
Make bigger: Abbr.
MAKE bill payable at place
Make binding
MAKE bitter
make black
MAKE black and glossy with varnish
Make black, in a way
make blacker
Make blank
Make Blank Draw a
Make blank, in a way
make blanket snug
Make blasé
MAKE blessed
make blessedly happy
Make blissful
Make blond, maybe
Make blond, say
Make blonde, say
Make blood boil
MAKE bloody
Make blue
Make blue colour hems in Gerald's jacket
Make blue, maybe
Make blue, perhaps
Make blue, say
Make blush
Make blush, maybe
MAKE body fluids thin
Make boiling mad
make bold
Make bold, maybe
MAKE bomb able to explode
Make bones about something
make book
Make books into movies, e.g.
Make bootees
Make bootees, e.g.
Make bootees, maybe
Make bootees, perhaps
Make bootees, say
Make booties
Make booties, perhaps
make both ends meet
make bother or fuss
Make bread
Make bread from chips?
Make breakfast, illegally?
Make breathing difficult
Make breathless
Make brief
make bright
Make bright by rubbing
Make brighter
make brighter and prettier
Make brightly colored T-shirts
MAKE broader
Make broader, as a highway
make brown
Make Brown green?
make brown in color
Make brownies
make brutal, unfeeling, or inhuman
Make bubble
Make bubbles, in a way
make bubbling sound
Make bubbly
Make Bubbly beverage
Make bubbly, in a way
Make bucks
Make bullets?
Make business connections
Make busts
Make busts, say
Make Butter
MAKE butter
Make butter the old-fashioned way
MAKE buzz
MAKE by boring
Make by careful planning
make by combining materials and parts
make by cutting into
Make by developing or inventing
MAKE by distillation
Make by gradual development
Make by hand
make by hand and with much skill
Make by interlacing
make by interlacing threads or stripes of material
MAKE by melting
MAKE by tatting
make by twisting together or intertwining
MAKE by wearing away
MAKE by withdrawing color/colour
Make bye-bye
Make cake
MAKE call on person, his faith, memory, etc. for money or service
make callous
Make calls
Make calls at home, maybe
Make calls on the court, briefly
Make calls while high
make calm
Make calm, in a way