Crossword Clue with O
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Ones hooked on breakfast pastry?
Ones hoping to get in
Ones ignoring limits
Ones in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd
Ones in a class struggle?
Ones in a contest
ones in a financial hole
Ones in a flight pattern?
Ones in a gaggle
Ones in a hurry
Ones in a league of their own
Ones in a mess, briefly
Ones in a mess, informally
Ones in a pecking order
Ones in a skein
Ones in a struggle
Ones in an annual hunt
Ones in bondage
Ones in charge
Ones in charge, for short
Ones in charge: Abbr.
Ones in class
Ones in cocoons
Ones in control of their faculties?
Ones in cross-hairs
Ones in decks
Ones in disbelief?
Ones in distress, in old movies
Ones in every bunch
Ones in favor
Ones in funny shorts
Ones in high places
Ones in hip joints?
Ones in it for the long haul
Ones in joint custody?
Ones in leading roles
Ones in Madrid
Ones in matching tuxes
Ones in matching tuxes, sometimes
Ones in need of a metamorphosis
Ones in need of detoxification
Ones in need of refinement
Ones in office
Ones in pairs?
Ones in residency: Abbr.
Ones in suits?
Ones in the 49-Across voting bloc, for short
Ones in the closet?
Ones in the know
Ones in the lead
Ones in the oil field?
Ones in the pecking order?
Ones in the U.S., but not in Canada
Ones in the woods?
Ones initiating handoffs, for short
Ones involved in an elaborate courtship
Ones involved in barn raisings?
Ones involved in dust-ups?
Ones involved in the offing?
Ones involved in wishful thinking?
Ones just hanging out
Ones keeping the wheels turning?
Ones knocked off during strikes
Ones known for excellent service
Ones known for wisdom
Ones lambs follow
Ones late to work?
Ones leading the blind, maybe
Ones learning the ropes
Ones leaving before a storm
Ones left behind?
Ones left holding the bag?
Ones likely to chicken out
Ones likely to go "hic!"
Ones living abroad
Ones loaded with Valentine's gifts
Ones logged on
Ones logging in
Ones looking
Ones looking ahead
Ones looking at sentences
Ones looking down
Ones making a big scene?
Ones making a case for drinking?
Ones making amphibious landings?
Ones making big bucks?
Ones making busts
Ones making calls, informally
Ones making forecasts
Ones making glowing recommendations?
Ones making good use of the hands?
Ones making great strides
Ones making house calls
Ones making introductions, in brief
Ones making intros
Ones making lots of bucks?
Ones making lots of charges
Ones making money
Ones making pantry raids?
Ones making periodical changes
Ones making periodical changes, for short
Ones making some safe decisions?
Ones making strong impressions?
Ones making the grade, for short?
Ones making up
Ones making writers write right?: Abbr.
Ones making you duck down?
Ones manifesting Manifest Destiny
Ones maturing quickly, for short
Ones meriting respect
Ones minding the store: Abbr.
Ones minding their peas in queues?
Ones most wanted
Ones moving to the right
Ones moving with the aid of pseudopods
Ones named in a will
Ones named in deeds
Ones native language
Ones native tongue
Ones near bases
Ones needing a good memory, it's said
Ones needing career counseling, maybe: Abbr.
Ones needing fulfillment?
Ones neglecting their duties
Ones never seen in" Peanuts"
Ones not abstaining
Ones not at home on the range
Ones not broken
Ones not calling the shots?
Ones not entirely gay or straight
Ones not itemized
Ones not part of PC culture?
Ones not seen at stag parties?
Ones not to be trusted
Ones not up to par?
Ones not with you
Ones of a kind?
Ones of interest, perhaps
Ones of interest?
Ones of lower rank
Ones of the highest grade: Abbr.
Ones off base, for short
Ones often calling the shots?
Ones often in custody ... and what 17-, 28-, 34- and 40-Across are?
Ones often in distress, in fairy tales
Ones often working in small rms.
Ones on base?
Ones on cases: Abbr.
Ones on deck
Ones on either side of a "v."
Ones on soapboxes
Ones on Telemundo
Ones on the bench
Ones on the bus
Ones on the field who aren't team players?
Ones on the left
Ones on the Mohs scale
Ones on the money trail, informally
Ones on the move
Ones on the outsides of brackets
Ones on the payroll
Ones on the right
Ones on the right track?: Abbr.
Ones on the sales team
Ones on the way up
Ones on trails, perhaps
Ones on your side
Ones one loves most
Ones or elevens, in blackjack
Ones or tens place
Ones out for a while
Ones out of service?
Ones out of this world, for short
Ones out of work
Ones over yonder
Ones owing money
Ones paid to conceive?
Ones paid to play
Ones passing notes?
Ones patient with patients
Ones picked out of lineups
Ones picking things up?
Ones picking up things?
Ones pictured in corp. reports
Ones place
Ones placed on pedestals
Ones playing the numbers?
Ones practicing social distancing
Ones practicing: Abbr.
Ones prejudiced against 125-Across people
Ones prepared to drop a few bucks?
Ones preparing Easter eggs
Ones pressed for cash, briefly
Ones pressed for drinks
Ones protected by a safety net, with "the"
Ones providing arms
Ones providing cold comfort, briefly
Ones providing coverage at the Pillsbury Bake-Off?
Ones providing IV's, maybe
Ones providing postpartum care, in brief
Ones pulling strings?
Ones pumped up for a race?
Ones put on retainer?
Ones put on the rack?
Ones putting on a show, for short
Ones putting on acts
Ones putting out feelers
Ones quick with a line?
Ones quoted on Rotten Tomatoes
Ones ranked above cpls.
ones ranked e 4 to e 9 abbr
Ones ranked E-4 to E-9: Abbr.
Ones ranking above knaves
Ones ranking below cpls.
ones relations
Ones reliant on the local blood supply
Ones remaining
Ones repeating "I do" in 1976?
Ones requesting seconds?
Ones responding to 20-Across
Ones responsible for paper cuts, briefly?
Ones resting on a bridge
Ones running away from the back of a ship?
Ones running shoulder to shoulder?
Ones running things
Ones running through California
Ones said to be "trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly ..."
Ones sans roots
ones savings for the future
Ones sawing wood
Ones saying "warmer," perhaps
Ones seeing things
ones seeking change
Ones seeking intelligence
Ones seeking maximum exposure?
Ones seeking retribution
Ones seeking steady work?
Ones seeking table scraps, maybe
Ones seen side by side?
Ones selling commercial time, informally
Ones sending out tweets
Ones serving dictators
Ones set for a wild party?
Ones sexually flexible, for short
Ones shaking to the music?
Ones sharing a branch of a tree
Ones sharing a crest
Ones sharing a tartan
Ones sharing quarters at the most macho fraternity?
Ones shooting the breeze, for short?