Crossword Clue with O
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Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
of or like an oligomer
of or like an ombrophobe, a plant thriving only in desert conditions
of or like an oracle
of or like an orator
of or like an osteoblast
of or like an osteoclast, an instrument used to break bones
of or like an osteoderm
of or like an osteogen
of or like an otary, an eared seal
of or like antimetabole, repetition of words or ideas in different order
of or like aragonite, an orthorhombic mineral composed of calcium carbonate
of or like bombycids
of or like diallage, a mineral, a brown, green or grey form of augite
of or like diarrhoea
of or like disillusion
of or like drama
of or like enhydrite, a mineral with fluid inclusions
of or like enhypostasia, substantial or personal existence
of or like erythrite, a reddish hydrous arsenate of cobalt
of or like euthanasia
of or like feudalism
of or like fish
of or like fruit
of or like gabbro
of or like gas
of or like gavials
of or like grains
of or like graphite
of or like haematoblast, a blood platelet
of or like heaven
of or like hematoblast, a blood platelet
of or like hemp
of or like horn
of or like hornblende
of or like house music
of or like hyaloplasm, the clear fluid part of protoplasm
of or like hydrosomata
of or like hyenas
of or like hyperdulia, the veneration accorded to the Virgin Mary
of or like hypermeter
of or like hypermetropy
of or like hypocorism
of or like idioplasm, the part of the protoplasm bearing hereditary characteristics
of or like karyoplasm, nucleoplasm
of or like lamprophyre
of or like lard
of or like lathyrism
of or like leishmania, any protozoon of the genus Leishmania
of or like leucemia
of or like leukocytes
of or like lignocellulose
of or like marble
of or like marshmallow
of or like meliorism
of or like Methodism
of or like microgranite, a minutely crystalline variety of granite
of or like microlite, a rare mineral of resinous lustre and high specific gravity
of or like milk
of or like mines
of or like mortar
of or like mucin
of or like muscarine, a poisonous alkaloid in fly agaric
of or like music
of or like mycetoma, a chronic fungus infection
of or like myrrh
of or like myth
of or like nectar
of or like neocolonialism
of or like nepheline
of or like olivenite
of or like ophiolite, serpentine
of or like ophiura
of or like orichalc
of or like owl
of or like paradise
of or like paraffin
of or like paralogism, false reasoning
of or like paraphasia, a disorder in which one word substituted for another
of or like parrots
of or like pewter
of or like phellogen, the tissue of young cells which produces cork cells
of or like phosphorus
of or like phosphorylate
of or like platitude
of or like plumbago, graphite
of or like plumulae, little feathers
of or like poetry
of or like polyphenol
of or like pork
of or like pozzolana, volcanic ashes from Pozzuoli, in Italy
of or like protocol
of or like protoplasm
of or like pygmies
of or like pyroxene
of or like quartzite
of or like recrement, waste, dross
of or like retrogression
of or like revelation
of or like revolution
of or like saussurite
of or like seborrhoea, an excessive discharge of sebum from the sebaceous glands
of or like serpentine
of or like silk
of or like stone
of or like strobilus
of or like tachylyte, a vitreous form of basalt
of or like tergiversation, desertion of a cause, position, party, or faith
of or like the Decameron
of or like the Etheostoma, a genus of small American freshwater fishes related to perch
of or like the Heterosomata, the flatfishes
of or like the mesothelium, squamous cells lining peritoneum, pericardium, and pleura
of or like the Ornithodelphia, monotremes
of or like the otherworld
of or like the Plecoptera, stoneflies
of or like the Plectoptera, mayflies
of or like the Salvinia family, water ferns
of or like the suspensorium
of or like tholeiite, a basaltic rock rich in aluminium
of or like tremolite, a white variety of amphibole
of or like varicella, chickenpox
of or like volitation, flying
of or like vomit
of or like winter
of or like wood
of or like woodlice
of or like wool
of or living in a city or town
of or living in trees
of or located in the lower part of a town, or in the business center
of or located in the upper part of a town
of or near the head end or toward the front plane of a body
Of or near the pelvis
of or occurring in summer
of or occurring or payable every month
of or on the back
of or on the banks of a river
of or pertaining to a jurist, to the legal profession, or to jurisprudence
of or pertaining to a number system having 8 as its base
of or pertaining to a theatre
of or pertaining to a virago
of or pertaining to adnexa
of or pertaining to classified information or matters affecting national security
of or pertaining to Estonia or the people or culture of Estonia
of or pertaining to myology, the study of muscles
of or pertaining to neology; employing new words
of or pertaining to or arranged in table form
of or pertaining to or characteristic of Italy or its people or culture or language
of or pertaining to or characteristic of Judaism
of or pertaining to or characteristic of Nepal or its people or language or culture
of or pertaining to or characteristic of Russia or its people or culture or language
of or pertaining to or characteristic of the city of Oxford, England, or its inhabitants
of or pertaining to or characteristic of trees of the birch family
of or pertaining to or of the nature of peat
of or pertaining to phlogiston, or to belief in its existence
of or pertaining to polycrotism, the state of having several beats to each heart-beat
of or pertaining to rotation
of or pertaining to the leap year
of or pertaining to the nature of a tangent
of or pertaining to the Octandria; having eight distinct stamens
of or pertaining to the shade or darkness
of or pertaining to voice training
of or pertaining to volumetry, the measurement of volume
of or producing sound
of or related to anarchism or tending toward anarchism
of or related to genetically distinguished groups of people
of or related to or characteristic of specialists
of or related to the amaranth plant
of or relating or belonging to a city
of or relating to a cavity or chamber in the body
of or relating to a church especially as an established institution
of or relating to a circuit element
of or relating to a coast
of or relating to a coastal or shore region
of or relating to a course of study undertaken in preparation for professional medical training
of or relating to a dean or deanery
of or relating to a fin or wing
of or relating to a form of seed germination
of or relating to a hydrothermal metalliferous ore vein deposited at high temperature
of or relating to a mayor or the office of mayor
of or relating to a molecule composed of identical nuclei
of or relating to a molecule made up of two atoms
of or relating to a molecule that possesses both hydrophobic and hydrophilic elements
of or relating to a mouth or mouthlike part
of or relating to a nonbonded polymeric material that resembles cloth or fabric
of or relating to a peregrinator; wandering
of or relating to a perfect or ideal existence
of or relating to a person who deputizes for another
of or relating to a physical injury or wound to the body
of or relating to a relative
of or relating to a significant linguistic unit
of or relating to a state resembling sleep
of or relating to a style of writing characterized by somewhat rounded capital letters
of or relating to a subdivision of the European Jurassic period
of or relating to a summation or produced by summation
of or relating to a symmetry operation
of or relating to a taxonomic order
of or relating to a thousand or to a thousand years
of or relating to a volcanic eruption
of or relating to a welfare state
of or relating to a wife
of or relating to Albania or its people or language or culture
of or relating to algebra
of or relating to alluvium
of or relating to an actor
of or relating to an ancient Roman maniple
of or relating to an angel of the first order
of or relating to an appendage and especially a limb
of or relating to an archduke, archduchess, or archduchy
of or relating to an author
of or relating to an element consisting of a single atom
of or relating to an encyclopedia; comprehensive; full of information
of or relating to an exponent
of or relating to an institution
of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe
of or relating to ancient Chaldea or its people or language or culture
of or relating to another country
of or relating to Austria or its people or culture
of or relating to behavior
of or relating to birds or a bird fauna
of or relating to blood circulation
of or relating to bone or to the skeleton
of or relating to chemical compounds, reactions, etc, occurring in living organisms
of or relating to coloration that disguises and protects an animal
of or relating to communication
of or relating to conditions when travelling at or near the speed of sound
of or relating to congress
of or relating to constituents of the atom or forces within the atom
of or relating to dancing
of or relating to demography
of or relating to different levels in a hierarchy
of or relating to drama and the theatre
of or relating to elections
of or relating to electricity and heat, or heat obtained electrically
of or relating to fabrics or fabric making
of or relating to fashion
of or relating to finance, finances, or people who manage money
of or relating to flowers or a flora
of or relating to fluids at rest or to the pressures they exert or transmit
of or relating to futurism, an artistic movement
of or relating to ground water occurring below the water table
of or relating to heraldry or heraldic arms
of or relating to Indian films
of or relating to investigation
of or relating to Iran or its people or language or culture
of or relating to Iraq or its people or culture
of or relating to Kurdistan or the Kurds or their language and culture
of or relating to language or linguistics
of or relating to law
of or relating to Libya or its people
of or relating to lines of verse dialogue that answer each other alternately