Crossword Clue with P
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Person attempting to get a job
Person attending a ball
person attending a funeral
person attending fair
PERSON attending to another
person August
Person authorised to act on behalf of another
Person authorised to draw up legal document
Person authorized to act for another
person authorized to act on behalf of someone else
person authorized to witness legal documents
Person awakening
person Banished
Person bearing a striking resemblance to another
PERSON bearing blame that should fall upon another
PERSON behind (the)
Person behind a curtain, maybe
Person behind a pram
Person behind a strike?
Person behind bars
Person behind bars?
Person behind the hits?
Person behind the times, as it were
Person behind the wheel
person being addressed to
person being appraised
person being carried in another's vehicle
Person being charged
person being honoured
person being hypnotized
person being ordained
person being trained
Person being used
PERSON believing in Allah as God according to Muhammad
person believing in rule of majority
person believing in the existence of vacuums in nature
person believing ovum contains all subsequent generations
person believing something is in decline
person believing they are secure
PERSON belonging to the past
PERSON bereft of previous protection/advantages (fig.)
person best stimulated by vision
Person betraying a cause
Person between 12 and 20
Person between forty and forty-nine years old
person between infancy and puberty
person between infancy or puberty
PERSON beyond help (colloq.)
person Biased
PERSON blindly adored
person Boring
Person born between 1946 and 1965
Person born in late July
Person born in the 1950s
Person born in the Disco Era
Person born in the late '60s or early '70s
Person born October 1
Person born on a sign's first day
Person born on April 1st
Person born on the largest continent
PERSON born under Aries
person bound by bond to act as surety for another
person bound to act for someone else's benefit, as a trustee
Person breaking his word?
Person breaking out
PERSON breathing heavily and loudly
PERSON breathing through partly blocked nose
Person bringing a case
Person bringing a case against another
PERSON bringing bad luck
Person bringing in money
Person bringing much happiness
Person bringing one out of danger
PERSON bringing something about
Person bringing suit in court
Person bringing your meals
Person bugging you?
Person buying
person buying a home
Person buying costly things
PERSON by whom thing is legally granted
Person called a "carrot-top"
Person calling balls and strikes
Person calling strikes
Person calling tech support, say
Person calling the shots
PERSON capable of locating hidden water
PERSON capable of reasoning correctly
Person caring for a golf course
Person carried on others' shoulders
Person carrying a briefcase, maybe
person carrying out remuage
Person carrying out the terms of a will
person carrying out writing tasks for other writer
person carrying pack
Person cast in a movie
Person catcher
Person catching some rays
Person causing wanton damage
person celebrating a jubilee
person Chair
Person chanting "I bet you can't"
PERSON characterised/characterized by nobility, integrity, courtesy, etc.
PERSON characterised/characterized by thick neck, large abdomen, and relatively short limbs (anthrop.)
person checking mud for traces of oil
person checking sex of chickens
person chosen to represent others, esp at a meeting
person chosen to speak on behalf of a group
person claiming to live according to the Jedi philosophy
Person close to 100?
Person close to you
person Coarse
Person colouring cloth
PERSON combining opposite qualities
person coming home
person committing arson
Person comparing costs
Person competing
Person completely finished with patches?
Person completing a sentence
person composing sentences, verses, etc, containing all the letters of the alphabet
person conceiving a project
person concerned more with his or her thoughts and feelings than with the outside world
Person concerned with numbers
Person concerned with the cultivation of the soil
Person conducting experiments
person conducting poll
Person confined during wartime
Person connected by blood or marriage
person considered as sexually very attractive
Person constructing doors, windows, etc.
Person creating rhymes
Person creating verses
person Creative
Person cutting lumber
Person cutting wood with blows
Person de-wrinkling
person dealing in hard fact
PERSON dealing with money
person declared by a court to be unable to pay his or her debts
Person decorating cakes
person dedicated to religion or to a cause
Person deep in thought
Person defeated
person Delirious
person delivering a keynote address
Person delivering a parcel by motorcycle
Person dependably slogging away
person deported or awaiting deportation
person designated to do something
PERSON determined to arrive
person detonating blasting charge
person devoted to horse racing
Person devoted to luxurious living and sensual pleasures
person devoted to luxury and pleasure
PERSON devoted to pleasures
person devoted to reading
PERSON devoted to welfare of others
PERSON difficult to control (sl.)
person disabled by injury
person disabled by injury or sickness
Person discovered through 23andMe
person dispensing soup
person displaying eccentric behaviour and mental characteristics
Person doing a practice run
Person doing far less than his share
Person doing nothing
PERSON doing penance
Person doing recon of a city on the Oregon Trail?
PERSON doing servile work
person doing survey work
person don t worship god
PERSON donating assistance
person down on their luck
Person downloading an app
Person downloading apps
Person drafted into military service
Person dreaming of fame
Person dressed in black
Person droning on about tax law, probably
Person dropping refuse in public places
PERSON due money
person dumped from a relationship
Person dying for a cause
Person dying for faith
person eager to learn news and scandal
Person easily duped
person eating
person eating a meal
Person eating at a restaurant
person eating but not lodging at boarding house
Person employed as a cracker
PERSON employed as driver
person employed at a disco etc to remove unwanted people
person employed by someone powerful to carry out orders
PERSON employed for wages
person employed in whaling
person employed on a pornographic film set
person employed to bring sheep to the catching pen in a shearing shed
person employed to display clothes or merchandise
person employed to do all sorts of work
person employed to do household work for another
Person employed to drive a car
person employed to load and unload ships
person employed to look after sick people
person employed to maintain railway tracks
person employed to obtain secret information
person employed to tend a furnace on a ship or train powered by steam
person employed to test the quality of food or drink by tasting it
Person employing something
person empowered to judge in a dispute
PERSON enamoured of self
Person enforcing hard work
PERSON engaged in controversy
person engaged in direct action to prevent a targeted activity taking place
PERSON engaged in excavation
PERSON engaged in illegal firearms
PERSON engaged in illegal introduction of firearms into country
PERSON engaged in irregular fighting
Person engaged in learning
PERSON engaged in technical research (sl.)
person engaged in trade, wholesale trader
Person engaged upon a cause
Person enjoying a light snack
Person enslaved by another
person entertained at another's expense
person entitled to bear heraldic arms
PERSON entitled to heraldic arms
person entitled to inherit property or rank
person entitled to receive an estate after the reversion (grant) runs out
PERSON entitled to receive property as legal representative of former owner
PERSON entitled to redeem money
person entitled to teach in medieval university
PERSON entrusted to another
Person entrusted with something for safe keeping
Person equal to you
person evacuated from a place of danger
Person evaluating something
Person exchanged for Powers in 1962
Person exempt from criticism
PERSON exercising authority arbitrarily
Person exerting sinister control over another
Person exhorting
Person expelled from country
Person expressing dissent
Person expressing praise
Person eyeballing
Person facilitating a seance
Person failing to keep up
Person faking a smile at an awards show