Crossword Clue with P
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
person taking part in putsch
Person taking target practice
person teaching individuals or small groups
Person telling fibs
person telling fortunes by reading palms
Person telling you what to do
PERSON temporarily admired or discussed
Person testifying in court
Person testing vision and prescribing glasses
person that amuses
PERSON that assents
person that attends to lambing ewes
PERSON that carries
person that does the rough preparatory work on something
person that drinks a lot
person that drinks alcohol excessively
PERSON that exists
PERSON that helps to carry
person that is passing or going by, esp on foot
PERSON that jumps
PERSON that kills (suf.)
person that makes nets
PERSON that may be bribed (pert. to)
person that one loves
PERSON that possesses both ovarian and testicular tissues
person that records
PERSON that sets forth or interprets
person that sins
Person that speaks in beeps and boops
person that strongly dislike something
person that strongly dislikes something
PERSON that vibrates
Person that's pointed at
person the same age as another person
person thought not to be sufficiently robust
person thought to be possessed by an evil spirit
Person thought to bring bad luck
Person to ask when Mama says no, perhaps
Person to ask when Pop says no, perhaps
PERSON to blame
Person to bum around with
Person to check out?
Person to discount
Person to entertain
Person to exchange letters with overseas
Person to give your car keys to
Person to go out with
Person to have lunch with, perhaps
Person to impress
Person to look out for
Person to look up to?
Person to report to
Person to respect
Person to take complaints to, informally
person to whom a grant is made
person to whom a lease is granted
person to whom a pledge is given
person to whom a promise is made
PERSON to whom a thing is sold
person to whom a transfer of property is made
person to whom a warranty is given
person to whom an offer is made
PERSON to whom letter is addressed
person to whom money is paid or due
person to whom property, esp realty, is devised by will
person to whom some right, interest, or property is transferred
person to whom something is allotted
person to whom something is relinquished
person to whom something, esp real property, is sold
person to whom the possession of goods is transferred under a bailment
PERSON to whom thing is committed
PERSON to whom thing is legally granted
Person totting up the points
Person touched on the shoulder?
person trained by mentor
person trained for travelling in space
person trained in any branch of engineering
person trained in laying roof slates
person trained in or good at athletics
person trained to assist lawyers but not qualified to practise law
person trained to operate deep submergence vessels
Person training to be ordained as a priest
person transfixed
PERSON traveling/travelling with a swag
person travelling for pleasure
person travelling in a vehicle driven by someone else
Person treated
Person trying to get inside your head
Person trying to move things?
Person trying to smile at an awards show
person Twisted
Person typically taking Torts and Contracts
Person unable to think clearly
Person under 20
Person under 21
PERSON under arrest
Person under Caesar's reign
Person under instruction
Person under the Union Jack
person under tuition
Person underage
person Unique
Person unlikely to sing
Person unlikely to throw things away
person unpleasant
person Unprincipled
Person unselfishly concerned for others
person Unspecified amount
person unsuited to running
Person up to his neck in socks
person upon whom a notice of warning has been served
Person used as a dupe
Person used as a threat to children
PERSON used as experiment
Person used by another to gain an end
Person using a library card
person using aggressive methods of selling
Person using binoculars, maybe
person using more words than necessary
Person using oars
Person using of old weapon
Person using performance enhancers
person using petrol to cause explosions
person venerated after death as specially holy
PERSON versed in grammar
PERSON versed in law
PERSON versed in linguistics
person viewing anything, onlooker
Person viewing humans pessimistically
person Virile
person Vulgar
PERSON waging regular war
Person walking in a pond
Person walking on a road
PERSON wandering from place to place for pasture
Person watching
Person weak-minded from age
Person wearing a headset, perhaps
Person wearing a trench coat and sunglasses, stereotypically
person wearing religious headpiece
person wearing spectacles
Person well over 70, probably?
person when holds radical views
person Which By , in Latin
person who
PERSON WHO ABANDONS THEIr duty military post
person who abseils
person who accepts events, etc, as they are
person who accompanies someone else for protection
Person who accumulates
person who accuses
person who achieves great success when relatively young
Person who acquiesces
person who acquires
Person who acted safely
person who acts as a judge
person who acts as assistant
person who acts immorally or illegally
person who acts in a play, film, etc
person who acts in or writes tragedies
person who ACTs indecisively
Person who acts superior
person who addresses or mails letters, etc
person who adjust the pitch of a piano
person who adjust the pitch of the piano
person who adjusts the pitch of a piano
person who adjusts the pitch of a pianol
person who adjusts the pitch of piano
person who adjusts the pitch of the piano
person who administers dope
person who administrates a tehsil
person who admires Black people and their culture
person who admires Europe, Europeans, or the European Union
person who admires the Slavs or their cultures
person who adopts
person who advocates
PERSON who advocates action
person who advocates an idea, cause, etc
person who advocates breast-feeding
person who advocates equal rights for women
person who advocates or uses a system of phonetic spelling
person who advocates separatism from a larger body
person who advocates the abolition of government
person who affects a cockney accent
PERSON who affects modesty
person who agitates for or against a cause, etc
person who agrees to take something that is offered
Person who agrees with fool put down
person who aims a ship's gun
person who alarms others needlessly
person who allots
PERSON who allows himself to be outwitted
Person who alters clothing
person who always make an effort
person who announces important news
person who apes
person who applies for something
person who applies to a court of law
PERSON who appoints another as his agent
Person who appreciates a walk in the woods, say
person who are avoids work and spends time in a an aimless way
person who argues
person who argues in favour of something
Person who arranges type for printing
person who arrests
PERSON who asks questions
person who aspires
PERSON who assails cherished beliefs (fig.)
Person who assigns film roles
person who assists a financial planner
person who assists, guides, or provides a service
Person who assumes a false identity
person who attacks another, either physically or verbally
person who attends races
person who attends something regularly
Person who attends to a dependent adult
PERSON who audits accounts
person who avoid work
person who avoids buying consumer goods
PERSON who avoids company
person who avoids other people
person who avoids social contact
person who avoids work
person who avoids work or spend time in a aimless way
person who avoids work or spend time in an aimless way
person who avoids work or spends time aimlessly
person who avoids work or spends time in a aimless way
person who avoids work or spends time in aimeless way
person who avoids work or spends time in aimless way
person who avoids work or spends time in an aimless way
person who avoids works or spends time in an aimless way
person who babbles
Person who barters
person who bats or specializes in batting
person who batters someone
Person who becomes a monster when the moon is full
person who begs
person who begs, esp one who lives by begging
Person who behaves bizarrely
person who behaves in an affected way to impress others
person who believes global warming results from human activity
person who believes in government by religious leaders
person who believes in government by squires
person who believes in liquidationism
person who believes in natural selection
person who believes that it is impossible to know whether God exists
person who believes that religion should play a greater role in politics
person who believes that the number four has supernatural significance
person who believes the existence or non-existence of God is irrelevant
person who believes there will be no resurrection