Crossword Clue with P
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
person who belongs to a specified class or domain
Person who belongs to an org.
person who besieges
Person who betrays
Person who betrays their principles
person who bets
person who binds himself by contract
person who bites his or her nails
PERSON who blabs
person who boasts loudly
person who boos
person who brakes the law
Person who breaks down
person who breaks up earth with a type of farm implement
person who breeds or trains hawks or who follows the sport of falconry
person who breeds plants or animals
PERSON who brings bad luck (colloq.)
person who buys and sells shares
person who buys goods in a shop
Person who calls "Action!"
Person who calls the shots
Person who came out of the blue?
person who campaigns to bring about social change
Person who can barely run
person who can endure hardship without showing it
person who can or does vote
person who can speak three languages
PERSON who can turn his hand to anything
person who cancels a subscription
Person who cannot choose
person who cannot distinguish the colour blue
Person who cannot stop working
person who cannot use sign language
Person who carries
person who carries out arbitrage
person who carries out boring tasks for others
person who carries out business on the internet
Person who carries the coffin at funeral
person who carries, presents, or upholds something
person who catches animals illegally on someone else's land
person who catches fish for a living or for pleasure
person who catches lobsters
Person who caters to base interests
person who causes havoc or destruction
person who causes unrest
person who changes direction
Person who changes lanes with a handle?
person who changes location
PERSON who changes position nimbly in argument (fig.)
person who cheats
person who cheats or swindles by pretending to be someone else
person who checks and edits text for a newspaper or magazine
Person who cherishes high principles
person who claims fault against the other in court
Person who cleans coats?
person who coins money
person who coins or employs slogans frequently
person who collects and delivers post
PERSON who collects bribes (colloq.)
person who collects fleeces for baling
person who collects peat
person who collects the gabelle
Person who collects things
person who collects tolls at a bridge
person who collects train numbers as a hobby
person who combines a lucrative career with non-mainstream tastes
person who comes to a foreign country in order to settle there
person who comes to a place in which they were not born
person who commits a crime or other wrongdoing
person who commits a fraud
person who commits rape
person who commits robbery with violence
person who commits sabotage
PERSON who commits sodomy with a boy
person who communicates by text messaging
person who completes building of ship
person who completes or makes something perfect
person who composes hymns
person who composes rhymes, especially simple ones
person who conducts opinion polls
person who conducts tour expeditions
Person who confesses his sins to a priest
PERSON who constantly gets into trouble
person who constructs boats
person who constructs houses and other buildings
person who constructs or follows a system
person who continues to work during a strike
person who controls an animal
person who controls spy network
Person who cooks something up
Person who coordinates the show for the director
person who copies documents
Person who copies out documents
Person who could use a lift
Person who could use a pickup?
person who count something eg votes in an election
person who counts something example votes in an election
person who counts something for example votes in a election
person who counts something for example votes in an election
person who counts something for example votes in election
person who courts favour
Person who cracks a whip
PERSON who crams pupils for examination
Person who creates a password
Person who creates actors' garb
PERSON who creates another
person who creates art
person who creates flavourings for drinks, perfumes, etc
PERSON who creates kings
person who creates myth
Person who crosses the line
person who cultivates roses, esp professionally
Person who cuts and polishes stones
Person who cuts clothes
person who cuts men's hair and shaves beards
person who cuts notches
person who damns
person who dates
person who deals in or manufactures salt
person who deals with correspondence and general clerical work
person who deals with words alone, rather than facts, ideas, feeling, etc
PERSON who decamps at night
person who deceives or plays tricks
person who declares
person who dedicates
person who defaults
PERSON who defends by argument
person who delibarately the enjoymne of others
person who deliberately antagonizes communists
person who deliberately causes trouble
person who deliberately damages property
person who deliberately sets fire to property
person who deliberately spoils enjoyment of others
person who deliberately spoils fun of others
person who deliberately spoils that enjoyment of others
person who deliberately spoils the enjoyment
person who deliberately spoils the enjoyment of others
person who delights in gadgetry
person who delivers milk directly to customers each day
person who deseeds
person who deserts a cause
person who deserts one party or cause to join another
person who designs and applies face make-up
person who destroys a word
person who determines market value
person who determines market value of something
person who develops property
person who devises property, esp realty, by will
person who dickers
PERSON who dies for a cause
person who dies or suffers for his or her beliefs
person who digs gault
Person who digs hard rock?
person who directs a crane whilst riding on an object being lifted by it
person who disagrees with and criticizes the government
person who discriminates on the grounds of rank
person who dissaves
person who distributes leaflets
person who dives for or trades in pearls
person who dives without breathing apparatus
Person who divines the future
Person who does a lot of cleaning: Abbr.
person who does little or no work
person who does no work
person who does not approve of something
person who does not believe in an established religion
person who does not believe official accounts of the 9/11 attacks on the US
person who does not buy a product or service
person who does not collect things
person who does not drive
person who does not join (an organisation, etc)
person who does not or cannot read
person who does not participate in a riot
person who does not pay on a bus, at a game, etc
person who does not possess supernatural powers
person who does not regularly attend church
person who does not skate
person who does not ski
person who does not smoke
person who does not study plants
person who does not talk
person who does not use a product or service
person who does not vote
person who does not watch (television)
person who does not work
person who does stunt flying
Person who doesn't mingle
Person who doesn't move very fast
Person who doesn't put down roots
Person who donates money to good causes
person who draws maps
person who draws up original sketches or plans from which things are made
person who dreams habitually
Person who dresses stones
person who drinks
person who drinks excessive amounts of tea
person who drives a bus
PERSON who drives a hard bargain
person who drives a vehicle
person who drives a vettura
person who drives a wagon
person who drives horses at the plough
person who drives sheep or cattle
person who eats no meat, fish, eggs, or dairy products
person who eats only eco-friendly food
person who eats poultry and fish, but no red meat
person who edits
person who educates
person who effects an abatement
Person who embodies a cause
person who employed to display cloths or other merchandise
person who employs terror or terrorism, esp as a political weapon
person who encourages war
PERSON who encroaches on rights of others
PERSON who engages in petty black-market dealings (sl.)
person who engages in spooning
person who engages in trade
person who engraves dies
person who enjoys book
Person who enjoys books
person who enjoys good food and drink
person who enjoys sunbathing
person who ensures adherence to kosher rules
person who enters a building to commit a crime, esp theft
person who enters a place without permission
person who enters a university, contest, etc
person who entertains guests
person who entices, allures, or seduces
person who erects the steel structure of a building
PERSON who escapes the grace of God
Person who eschews the starred answers' deleted portions
person who estimates the value of objects, paintings, etc
Person who estimates the worth of something
person who evades a responsibility or duty
person who evades work or duty
person who examines data
person who examines data
person who examines or scrutinizes
Person who exceeds in conversation at dinner table
person who excels at a particular activity
PERSON who executes
PERSON who exerts power
person who expects
person who experiences hallucinations
person who expounds
Person who fabricates
person who favours immoderate methods
person who feeds cattle for market
PERSON who fell into the Aegean Sea
person who fences with a foil