Crossword Clue with P
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
person who fights in a war
person who fights with a sword
person who fillets
person who finances a film
Person who finds filming sites
person who fishes from a small boat called a dory
person who fishes in a bay
person who fishes with a hook and line
person who fits and repairs pipes and fixtures for water and drainage systems
person who fits and repairs pipes for air conditioning and heating
person who fits windows with glass
PERSON who flees
Person who flees from war
person who flees, esp from arrest or pursuit
person who flies in a lighter-than-air craft, esp the pilot or navigator
PERSON who follows an activity for love
Person who follows next in order
person who follows strict moral or religious principles
person who formally defends a cause
person who forms business contacts through informal social meetings
PERSON who forsakes a faith
PERSON who founds glass
PERSON who founds metal
person who frequently gets drunk
Person who frequents a certain place
person who frequents bars
person who fulls cloth for his living
person who gaches
person who gasps
person who gatches
person who gathers news for a newspaper, TV, etc
person who gathers vraic
person who gathers, cultivates, or sells oysters
Person who gets into good habits?
Person who gets it?
Person who gets out of a puzzle room
Person who gets picked on
Person who gives a hoot
person who gives a legacy or makes a bequest
PERSON who gives advice gratuitously (colloq.)
person who gives advice on the law
Person who gives aid or charity
person who gives blood or organs for medical use
person who gives financial support
Person who gives guidance
person who gives information
person who gives information to a reporter
person who gives massages
person who gives nap to cloth
person who gives or is bound by a guarantee
person who gives or leaves a tip
person who gives or makes a pledge
person who gives or receives alms
person who goes often to the theatre
person who goes on foot
person who goes regularly to the cinema
person who goes to cinema
person who goes to operas
person who goes to party
Person who goes to sea
person who goes to the beach
Person who goes up
Person who gossips all the time
person who governs
person who governs during an interregnum
person who grants a lease of property
person who grazes cattle for money
person who greets people
person who groups things together
person who grows crops to sell
person who grows grapes for winemaking
person who grows or specializes in the use of medicinal herbs
person who grows plants
person who grubs
person who guards a building at night
person who habitually doubts generally accepted beliefs
person who habitually flouts or violates the law
person who habitually smokes tobacco
person who hacks a celebrity's personal computer
person who hacks computer systems for political reasons
Person who had a major part in the Bible?
Person who handles bills
Person who handles the introductions
person who has a go
person who has a good sense of rhythm
person who has a good time
Person who has a hearty appetite
person who has a job
Person who has a way with words?
person who has abandoned his or her religion, political party, or cause
person who has achieved a state of perfect enlightenment
person who has an intense hatred of homosexuality
person who has authority or influence
person who has been accepted
person who has been accused of libel in court
person who has been expelled from a caste
person who has been given the freedom of a city
Person who has been scammed
person who has been vaccinated
person who has charge of a flag
person who has committed adultery
PERSON who has completed a school course
person who has control over appointments to positions of authority
person who has defeated an opponent, esp in war or in sport
person who has diabetes
person who has escaped
person who has extreme or immoderate beliefs or opinions
PERSON who has given friendly aid
person who has had a laryngectomy
person who has had a limb amputated
Person who has it coming
person who has just started learning to do something
person who has moved away from one's native country and adopted a new residence abroad
person who has not received communion
person who has often been in prison
person who has or affects an extravagant love of art
person who has people working under
Person who has recently become wealthy
person who has resided in Britain
person who has retired from work
PERSON who has returned from India with fortune (arch.)
Person who has risen in wealth or importance
person who has risen suddenly to a position of power and behaves arrogantly
person who has run away
person who has runaway
person who has seen something happen
person who has sexual intercourse
Person who has something going on?
person who has the use of something in trust
person who has undergone rebirthing therapy
person who hates or fears foreigners or strangers
person who hates or fears women
Person who heads a dept.
person who hears
Person who hears "goo-goo"
person who helps facilitate worship
Person who helps shape a staff
person who helps to cut, turn, toss, spread, or carry hay
person who herds geese
person who herds swans
person who hides on a ship or aircraft in order to travel free
Person who hoards
person who hoards money and hates spending it
person who holds a lien
person who holds a particular office or position
PERSON who holds academic degree
person who holds an estate for a term of years or until he dies
PERSON who holds exhibition
PERSON who holds himself aloof from party politics
Person who holds property in trust
person who holds radical views
Person who holds something to prevent others having it
person who holds the levelling staff when a survey is being made
person who holds unorthodox opinions
PERSON who hunts
person who hunts for food or for profit without regard to the rules of sport
person who hunts muttonbirds
person who hunts with beagles
person who hunts wolves
person who hurts, persecutes, or intimidates weaker people
person who hypocritically pretends to be deeply pious
person who ices cakes
person who idles
person who idles and trusts to fortune
person who illegally rides on the outside of a suburban train
person who imposes a duty, etc
person who impounds
person who incites a dog to attack
person who indulges in fantasies
person who informs to the police
PERSON who infringes copyright
PERSON who infringes regulations
person who ingrains
person who inherits
person who insists on something
person who inspects
person who installs and maintains electric wiring, cables, etc
Person who installs window glass
person who intrigues
person who introduces radio or television programmes
person who invents or recounts fables
person who invents, esp as a profession
person who invites guests
person who is able to read but disinclined to do so
person who is about to graduate
person who is absent without leave
person who is accused or appealed against
person who is addicted to crack cocaine
person who is addicted to heroin
person who is addicted to sex
person who is always gloomy, pessimistic, or bitter
person who is appointed
person who is appreciative of and sensitive to art
person who is appreciative of and sensitive to art and beauty
person who is being healed
person who is best stimulated by words
person who is constantly or excessively optimistic
Person who is dedicated to protecting environment
Person who is descended from three white grandparents and one black one
person who is difficult to please and complains often
person who is disseised
person who is disseized
person who is divorced
PERSON who is down-to-earth
person who is easily cheated, victimized, etc
person who is easily deceived or swindled
person who is easily upset
person who is employed to display
person who is employed to display clothes
person who is employed to display clothes and other merchandise
person who is employed to display clothes or merchandise
person who is employed to display clothes or other merchandise
person who is employed to display clothes or other merchandisee
person who is employed to display clothes or other merchandising
person who is employed to display cothes or other merchandise
Person who is exceptionally intelligent
person who is excessively concerned with details and rules
person who is excessively enthusiastic about something
person who is excessively modest, prim, or proper
person who is extreme in aims, ambition, etc
person who is famous enough to be known only by one name
person who is feeble-minded through old age
person who is fond of drinking
person who is fond of making puns
person who is foolish
Person who is given the same appellation as another person
person who is good at doing odd jobs
person who is granted asylum
person who is guilty of practising simony
person who is hep
person who is hired to work for someone in return for payment
person who is hired to work on a farm
person who is honoured
person who is huge, strong, or very important
person who is illegally held prisoner
person who is insane
person who is intermediate between an extrovert and an introvert
person who is interned
person who is intolerant, esp regarding religion or race
person who is involved in acting or the theatre
Person who is looking
PERSON who is lukewarm in religion or politics
person who is making a first appearance in a particular capacity
person who is mentally disturbed or perverted
person who is not a biologist
person who is not a breeder
person who is not a candidate
person who is not a celebrity
person who is not a chauvinist
person who is not a citizen