Crossword Clue with R
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Roll in a roller derby
Roll in a squad car? (first 1 + last 3)
Roll in an office
ROLL in liquid
ROLL in mud
Roll in mud, as a pig
Roll in one's pocket?
Roll in school
Roll in the aisles
Roll in the grass?
Roll in the gutter, at times
Roll in the hay
Roll in the hay?
Roll in the kitchen
Roll in the middle
Roll in the mud
Roll in the yard
Roll in, so to speak
Roll indicator
Roll into a ball
Roll into the hole, as a putt
Roll maker?
Roll models?
Roll of 7 or 11
Roll of banknotes
ROLL of bills
Roll of bread
Roll of C-notes
roll of carded wool ready for spinning
Roll of cash
Roll of cellophane
ROLL of cloth
Roll of coins
Roll of coins wrapped in paper
Roll of dough
roll of fabric
Roll of fat round the waist
Roll of film
Roll of grass
Roll of green?
Roll of lawn
ROLL of minced meat
Roll of movie film
ROLL of paper
roll of paper containing coins
ROLL of parchment
roll of parchment or paper
Roll of postage stamps
Roll of stamps
Roll of sticky cellophane
Roll of the dice
Roll of the dice, maybe
Roll of the dice, say
roll of tobacco leaves
Roll of turf
Roll of two
ROLL of water
Roll often served with cream cheese
Roll on a farm, maybe
Roll on a golf course
Roll on a runway
Roll on a tarmac
roll on brand
Roll on the ball field
Roll on the tarmac
Roll or emperor
Roll order
Roll out
Roll out of bed
Roll out of the sack
Roll out Old Glory
Roll out the red carpet for
Roll out the red carpet for, say
Roll out, as a flag
Roll out, so to speak
Roll over
Roll over and over
Roll Over Beethoven band
Roll Over Beethoven band, for short
Roll Over Beethoven group, briefly
Roll Over Beethoven grp.
Roll Over Beethoven rock grp.
Roll over, as a subscription
Roll partner
Roll player
Roll players?
Roll producer
Roll right along
Roll served at a bar
Roll served at a diner
Roll served cold
Roll served with cream cheese
Roll shape
Roll some grass
Roll sometimes served with lox
Roll spread
Roll suddenly to one side
Roll that's served cold
Roll the ___
Roll the bones in Reno, say
Roll the cameras
Roll the dice
Roll the dice, so to speak
Roll the hair
Roll them bones to a poet
Roll Tide! e.g.
Roll tightly
Roll to a terminal
Roll to the hole
Roll to the runway
Roll to the terminal
Roll top?
Roll topper
Roll topping
Roll toward the hole
Roll toward the runway
Roll type
roll up
roll up a banner
Roll up and bind
roll up and fasten (a sail, umbrella, or flag)
Roll up and tie
roll up in order to reduce its area
Roll up tightly
Roll up, as a flag
Roll up, as a sail
Roll up, like a flag
Roll while not in gear
Roll with a hole
Roll with lox
Roll With Me, Henry singer James
Roll with onion flakes
Roll with the punches
Roll- ___ (deodorants)
Roll-___ (some deodorants)
Roll-call "no" vote
Roll-call answer
Roll-call call
Roll-call count
Roll-call dissent
Roll-call listing
Roll-call no-show
Roll-call rejection
Roll-call reply
Roll-call responses
Roll-call vote
Roll-call votes
Roll-call word
Roll-call yell
Roll-on alternative
Roll-on brand
Roll-on lawn
Roll-on name
Roll-on target
Roll-on targets
Roll-on wax brand
Roll-top, e.g.
Roll-top, for one
Roll-your-own grass
Roll, as a flag
Roll, cake
Roll, in a way
Roll's partner
Rollable vegetable
Rollaway bed
Rollaway beds
Rollaway relative
Rollback command
Rollback events
Rolle Actress
Rolle of "Good Times"
Rolle of "Maud"
Rolle of TV's "Good Times"
Rolle who starred in "Good Times"
Rolle with a sitcom role
Rolled __
Rolled about, as a pig in mud
Rolled along
Rolled around (in)
Rolled around in mud
Rolled around lazily
Rolled bit in a bowl
Rolled bones
Rolled by
rolled cake
Rolled dough?
Rolled fare
Rolled food
Rolled game piece
Rolled grain
Rolled grass
Rolled in the aisles
Rolled in the aisles, so to speak
Rolled in the mud
Rolled into a ball
Rolled into a coil
Rolled into a cup
rolled into one
Rolled item
Rolled item in a humidor
Rolled items
Rolled lunch
Rolled natural
Rolled oats cereal
Rolled oats dish
Rolled oats recipe
Rolled or steel-cut grains
Rolled or trilled r sound
Rolled out of bed
Rolled out, as a flag
rolled over
Rolled parchment
Rolled pastry loaf
Rolled sandwich
Rolled sandwiches
Rolled slice of meat
Rolled smoke, in slang
Rolled snacks
rolled sponge cakes with filling
Rolled steel joist
rolled stuffed fish or meat
Rolled stuffed tortilla with chilli sauce
Rolled the dice
Rolled to hold fries, as paper
Rolled up
Rolled up into a ball
Rolled up the flag
Rolled up to the jetway
Rolled up, as a flag
Rolled with the engine off
Rolled with the punches
Rolled-back eyes, triangle-shaped teeth, sandpaper-like skin, pointy snout, and pulled-back gums
Rolled-out lawn
Rolled-over investments, for short
Rolled-over item
Rolled-over thing
Rolled-steel joists
Rolled-up bunch of money
Rolled-up bunches of money
Rolled-up cabbage?
Rolled-up do
Rolled-up dough
Rolled-up grass
Rolled-up lawn grass