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Crossword Solver
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the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness
the condition of being untidy
the condition of financial success
the condition of having been made smooth or slippery by the application of a lubricant
the condition of having been proposed as a suitable candidate for appointment or election
the condition of having or being marked by stigmata
The condition of not being found
the condition of not containing or being covered by a liquid
the condition of the body in which amyloid is deposited in the tissues
the condition or fact of being militant, esp in pursuing a political or social end
the condition or fact of being possible
the condition or quality of being a virgin
the condition or result of being changeable
the conduct of a truant
The Conduct of Life essayist
the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person
The conductor keeps it
the conductor of a band
The Coneheads of "SNL," e.g.
The Coneheads, e.g.
The Coneheads' show, for short
The Coney Island ___ (wooden roller coaster that opened in 1927)
The Coney Island Cyclone, e.g.
The Confederation _______
The Confessions of ___ Turner
The Confessions of ___ Turner (1967 Pulitzer winner)
The Confessions of ___ Turner (1967 Pulitzer-winning novel)
The Confessions of ___ Turner (book that won the 1968 Pulitzer for Fiction)
the configuration of a communication network
the configuration of a surface and the relations among its man-made and natural features
the confinement of an infection to a limited area
The confirmed bachelor ordered a ...
The Confrontation, in "Les Miz"
The Congo, before
The Congo, before 1997
The Congo, formerly
The Congolese franc replaced it
the conjunct influence of fire and strong wind
the connective tissue forming a sheath around a single bundle of nerve fibres
The Conners actress Gilbert
The conqueror Tamerlane, for one
The Conqueror Worm poet
The Conqueror, e.g.
The Conquest of Space author Willy
The Conquest of Space writer Willy
The Conscious Lovers playwright, 1722
the consequence of an action; outcome
the consequence of some effort or action
The consiquence of an action;outcome
the consistency of a compact solid
The Conspiracy Against Childhood author LeShan
The Constant Gardener heroine
The Constant Gardener Oscar winner Weisz
The Constant Nymph girl
The constellation Ara
The constellation Carina
The Constitution St.
The Constitution, e.g.
The Constitution, for one
The construct-ive criticism begins
the construction of replacement body parts using techniques developed for three-dimensional printing
The Container Store purchase
The Contessa
the contestant who wins the contest
the contestant you hope to defeat
the context in time and place in which the action of a story occurs
The contiguous 48
The Continent
The Continent (abbr.)
The continents or the seas
The continents, e.g.
The contraction for "it was"
the contrast of ideas by means of parallel arrangement of words or clauses
the conventions that embody the fundamental values of a group
the convergence of two parallel railroad tracks in a narrow place
the conversion of a keto acid to an amino acid
the conversion of bare or cultivated land into forest
the conversion of cartilage into bone
the conversion of non-carbohydrate substances, eg amino acids, into glucose
The cook will be with you in . . .
The Cookie Never Crumbles author Wally
The Cookie Never Crumbles autobiographer
The Cookie Never Crumbles co-author Wally
The cookies are done! sound
The cool kids, e.g.
The cooler
The Cooler co-star
The Copa, e.g.
The cops
The cops, in slang
The cops, in street slang
The cops!
The copy-room worker brought ...
The Corn State
The cornea covers it
The Cornhuskers
The Cornhuskers' sports org.
The corporate executive responsible for the operations of the firm
The correct form of this puzzle's theme
The Corridors of Power author
The Cosby Show actor Malcolm-__ Warner
The Cosby Show actor Richmond
The Cosby Show actress
The Cosby Show boy
The Cosby Show co-star
The Cosby Show kid
The Cosby Show son
The Cossacks novelist
the cost of a journey
The cost of leaving, perhaps
the cost of Raise
the cost of something
the Cotswolds were once at the forefront of woollen manufacturing in England
The Cotton ___
The Cotton Club actor
The Cotton Club co-star
The Cotton Club locale
The Cotton Club setting
The Cotton Club star
The Cotton St.
The Council of ___, 1545-63
The Council of Elrond singer
the count
The Count of ___ Cristo
The Count of Monte __
The Count of Monte ___
The Count of Monte Cristo author
The Count of Monte Cristo setting
The Count of Monte Cristo star Landi
The Countess Cathleen playwright
The Countess of Lovelace and others
the counties of asia
the countries of asia
The Country ___ (1936 Oscar-winning Disney short)
The Country Girl author Clifford
The Country Girl author O'Brien
The Country Girl playwright
The Country Girl playwright, 1950
The Country Girls author O'Brien
The Country Girls novelist O'Brien
The Country Girls writer O'Brien
The country in which the first mechanical clock was invented
the country Leave
The country literally named Marshland
The country the eunch was from that Phillip talked to
the country where you were born
the country--the flat agricultural surround
The County Chairman playwright
The County Chairman playwright, 1903
the county courts of England
the county town of County Kerry in the south-west of Ireland
The county town of Devon
the course along which a person has walked or is walking in
the course of human events and activities
The course of true love never did run ___ (Shakespeare)
The Court Jester star
The Court Jester star Danny
The Court Jester star, 1956
The court of ___ resort
The court's Bucharest Buffoon
the courting male displays long tail feathers in a lyre shape
the courtship of ___ father
The Courtship of Miles Standish character
The Courtship of Miles Standish couple
The covering that forms the top of a building, vehicle, etc
The covers of this book ___ far apart: Bierce
The cow is of the bovine ___; / One end is moo, the other, milk: Ogden Nash
The cow is of the bovine ilk / One end is moo, the other, milk poet
The cow is of the bovine ilk; / One end is moo, ...
The Cow Palace, for one
The coward is inevitably ___: L. Ron Hubbard
The Cowardly Lion actor
The Cowardly Lion, literally
The Cowardly Lion's sandwich?
The Cowboys of the Big 12 Conference
The Cowboys of the Big 12: Abbr.
The Cowboys of the NCAA's Big 12
The Cowboys, for the Eagles
The Cowboys, on a scoreboard
The Cowboys, on scoreboards
The Cowboys' city, familiarly
The Cowboys' five-pointed star or the Colts' horseshoe
The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, e.g.
The Coyote St.
The crab after the twins
The Crab or the Horsehead, in astronomy
The Cradle of Polynesia
The Cradle of Texas Liberty
the craft and science of growing grapes and making wine
the craft of basket making
the craft of being a mother
the craft of hunting
the craft of making earthenware
the craft of making fireworks
the craft of making furniture
the craft of making lace
the craft of the outdoorsman
The Cramps' ___ Interior
The crank of a wheel
The Cratchit boy
The Cratchit kid
The Cratchit lad
The Cratchit tyke
The Cratchits' Christmas dinner
The Crazy ___
The creation and operation of lifelike robotic models for use in films
The Creation composer
The Creation composer Joseph
the creation of a dimer
the creation of a peroxide
the creation of a weather front by the meeting of air currents
the creation of artistic pictures or diagrams
the creation of beautiful or significant things
The creation of beauty is ___: Emerson
The creation of beauty, per Ralph Waldo Emerson
the creation of forest
the creation of living from non-living material as an evolutionary process
the creation of something in the mind
the creation of transgenic animals or plants
The Creator, in Hinduism
The Creator, in the Koran
The Creator, to Hindus
The creature, to Dr. Frankenstein
the creek dried up every summer
the creek Up
The creeps
The creme de la creme
the crew of an aircraft
The Cricket on the ___ (Dickens novella)
the crime of stealing from a shop
The Crimea, e.g.
The Crimean ___
the criminal class
The Crimson Tide
The Crimson Tide, familiarly
The Crimson Tide, for short
The Crimson Tide, to fans
The Crimson Tide's st.
The Crisis essayist
the crisp residue left after lard has been rendered
The Critic playwright
the critical term for a coming-of-age story
The critics crucified the author for plagiarizing a famous passage
The critics hailed the young pianist as a new Rubinstein
The Crocodile Hunter network, with 47-Across
The cross aromatherapy patient was ...
The cross baby was ...
The cross motorist stuck at a stoplight was ...
The cross woman taking her bubble bath was ...
The Crossed Harpoons, in 'Moby-Dick'