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Crossword Solver
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WWF Solver
Word Games
the name used for the currency now known as the Euro
the name used to identify the members of a family
the name was a by-word of scorn and opprobrium throughout the city
The Namesake director Mira
The Naming of Cats poet
The Nanny actress Drescher
The Nanny butler
The Nanny Diaries co-author McLaughlin
The Nanny Diaries coauthor McLaughlin
The Nanny has three of them
The Nanny nanny
The Nanny network
The Nanny parts?
The Nanny portrayer Drescher
The Nanny star Drescher
The Nap Ministry focus
The Napoleon of Crime
the narrowing of the body between the ribs and hips
The Nation of Islam, for one
The nation's capital
The National ___ (tabloid)
The national animal (India)
The national bird (India)
The national dish of Korea, spicy pickled cabbage
The national flower (India)
The national fruit (India)
The National Guard might end one
the national language of the Republic of Malta
The National Mall has more than 300 of them
The National Parks airer
The National Pastime
the national public broadcaster in Australia
The national tree (India)
The National Weather Service has one for storm severity
The National Zoo's Xiao Qi Ji, e.g.
the native habitat or home of an animal or plant
the native land or country of one's father or ancestors
The Nativity, for one?
The Natl. Park Service is part of it
The Natural
The Natural author Malamud
The Natural cinematog Deschanel
the natural degeneration and death of a cell in living tissue
The Natural game
The Natural hero Hobbs
The Natural hero Roy
The natural in "The Natural"
The natural order of the universe
The natural organ of truth: C. S. Lewis
the natural process by which the body repairs itself
the natural process of bone formation
The Natural prop
The Natural protagonist Hobbs
The Natural role Roy ___
the nature or function of a phagocyte
The Naughtiest Girl series author Blyton
The Nautilus, for one
The Navigator Islands, today
The navy commander replied...
The Nazarene author
The Nazarene author Sholem
The Nazarene novelist
The Nazarene novelist Sholem
The Nazarene writer
The Nazarene writer Sholem
The NBA and NCAA
The NBA's 'King James'
The NBA's "Big Aristotle"
The NBA's Archibald et al.
The NBA's game, casually
The NBA's Hawks
The NBA's Kevin Love, e.g.
The NBA's Magic
The NBA's Mehmet Okur, e.g.
The NCAA Bruins
The NCAA's Bruins
The NCAA's Conference __
The NCAA's Fightin' Tigers
The NCAA's Fighting Tigers
The NCAA's Minutemen
The NCAA's Spartans
The NEA supports it
The nearest ones
The nearest star
The neat roomie
the necessary means
The necessary qualities
The necktie in a necktie party
The necktie in a Western necktie party
The Need for Roots author Simone
the negatively charged terminal of a voltaic cell or storage battery that supplies current
The Negev's land
The Negev's nation
the negotiation of the terms of a transaction or agreement
The Negro R. runs through it
The neighbor's kid
The neighbor's kids
The Neighborhood offerer
The Neon Bible novelist
The nerdier of the "Scooby-Doo" girls
The nerve of them!
The nerve of Walter?
The nerve to see things as they are?
The nerve!
the nest of a squirrel
the net that is the goal in ice hockey
The Netherlands
The Netherlands city
The netherworld
The Nevadan, e.g.
The never failing vice of fools: Pope
The Neverending Story author
The NeverEnding Story author Michael
The New __ Saints
The New ___ Couple
The new 40, they say
The New Colossus and the like
The New Colossus poet
The New Colossus, for one
The New Diplomacy author, 1983
The New England Patriots?
The new material withstands even the greatest wear and tear
the new model is a shade better than the old one
The New Orleans 11
The New Testament has 21
The New Way Forward country
The New World
The New World: Abbr.
the New Year in Vietnam
The New York City of West Africa
The New York Liberty, e.g.
The New York Nets were its last champs: Abbr.
The New York Times, e.g.
The New Yorker caricaturist Edward
The New Yorker cartoonist
The New Yorker cartoonist Addams
The New Yorker cartoonist Addams, familiarly
The New Yorker cartoonist Addams, for short
The New Yorker cartoonist Chast
The New Yorker cartoonist Ed
The New Yorker cartoonist Edward
The New Yorker cartoonist Peter
The New Yorker cartoonist who wrote "What I Hate: From A to Z"
The New Yorker contributor until 1968
The New Yorker film critic Anthony
The New Yorker founder, Harold
The New Yorker illustrator Irvin
The New Yorker piece
The New Yorker theater critic John
The New Yorker writer Auletta
The New Yorkers tune
The newly elected
The Newlywed Game contestants
The newlyweds took them
The news in Madrid
The NewsHour anchorman
The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer network
the newspaper published charges that Jones was guilty of drunken driving
The newspaper published the news of the royal couple's divorce
The Newsroom channel
The next day
the next day to a poet
The next generation
The next Michael Jordan?
The next one is 2016
The next United States one will be in 2010
The NFL had two of them in 2018
The NFL or the PGA
The NFL Today analyst
The NFL's "Golden Arm"
The NFL's best
The NFL's Browns, on sports tickers
The NFL's Cowboys
The NFL's Cowboys, on scoreboards
The NFL's Falcons
The NHL's ___ Smythe Trophy
The NHL's Art ___ Trophy
The NHL's oilers, on scoreboards
The NHL's oldest arena
The NHL's Phil, familiarly
The NHL's Senators, on scoreboards
The NHL's Thrashers
the nibelungenlied e.g.
the nick ___ list
The Nickelodeon Wild ___ Show
the nickname give to The Channel Tunnel
The Niger flows through it
The Niger River flows through it
The Night __ Thousand Eyes
The night before
The night before Christmas
The Night Before Christmas phrase after it became a hit?
The night before Christmas, e.g.
The night before on the day after, maybe
The night before, to a hard partier?
The Night Cafe was painted there
The Night Circus author Morgenstern
The Night Circus novelist Morgenstern
the night country actor stewart
The Night Manager actor Hiddleston
The Night Of channel
The Night of the Hunter co-screenwriter
The Night of the Hunter co-screenwriter James
The Night of the Hunter screenwriter
The Night of the Hunter screenwriter James
the night Spend
The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down folkie
The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down syllables
The Night They Invented ___ ("Gigi" tune)
The Night They Invented Champagne composer
The Night They Invented Champagne musical
the night time event that occurs when the Moon passes through Earth's shadowthe night time event that occurs when the Moon passes through Earth's shadow
The Night Watch painter
The night's thousand
the nightmare before christmas abductee
The Nightmare Before Christmas director Burton
the nih s home city
the nihs home city
The Nikkei 225 is one of its indexes: Abbr.
The Nile flows through it
The Nile has one
The Nile runs through it
The Nile's loc.
The nine of some batteries
The nine on a diamond
The Nine Tailors author
The Ninja Turtles, e.g.
the ninth month of the ecclesiastical year in the Jewish calendar
the ninth month of the Hindu calendar
the ninth month of the Islamic calendar
the ninth sign of the zodiac
The Nittany Lions: Abbr.
The Nittany Lions' sch.
The nitty gritty
The nitty-gritty
The Nixon years, e.g.
The No ___ Zone (Bill O'Reilly book)
The No No Song singer
The No. 5 designer
the nobility
The noble art
The noblest frailty of the mind: Shadwell
The noblest hateful love that ___ I heard of: "Troilus and Cressida"
the noise of soft mud being walked on
The non-professionals
The non-silence of lambs
The non-Teller feller?
The noontime sack of an officeworker?
The norm