Crossword Clue with T
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Take on Holyfield
Take on loan
Take On Me band
Take On Me band playing their final shows this December
Take On Me group
Take On Me pop trio
Take on Me singers
Take on moguls
Take on new territory
Take on or take in
Take on responsibility
Take on staff
Take on successfully, as a challenge
Take on the appearance of
Take on the moguls
Take on The Rock
Take on the role of
Take on too much
Take on, as a challenge
Take on, as a job
Take on, as a mortgage
Take on, as a quality
Take on, as a responsibility
Take on, as a role
Take on, as an employee
Take on, as debt
Take on, as employees
Take on, as responsibilities
Take on, as responsibility
Take on, as tenants
Take on, as the challenge
Take on, in dialect
Take onboard, as cargo
TAKE one from a number of things
Take one more shot at
Take one or the other
take one over another
Take one!
Take one's breath away
Take one's cap off
Take one's chances, metaphorically
Take one's clothes off
Take one's cuts
Take one's defenses away
Take one's hand secretly
Take one's hand?
Take one's leave
Take one's lumps?
Take one's medicine, as it were
Take one's own sweet time
Take one's pick
Take one's place gradually
Take one's show on the road
Take one's sweet time
Take one's time
Take one's time walking
Take one's turn
Take one's turn after all others
Take one's turn in checkers
Take one's turn in chess
Take one's turn, maybe
Take only ___, leave only footprints (nature slogan)
TAKE open order
take or assume for one's own use
take or have a position relative to others
take or move out or away
Take or steal
take order
Take orders
Take orders at, as a bar
Take orders from
Take orders from Lloyd?
Take orders from, in a way
Take orders, in a way
Take orders, possibly
Take orders, say
Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day participant
take out
Take out option
Take out ___ (borrow)
Take out (borrow cash) ___
Take out a loan
Take out a policy on
Take out alternative
Take out for ___
Take out for ___ (test-drive)
Take out for a drive
Take out for food, as a teaM
Take out for the shelves, say
Take out lines?
Take out membership
Take out of a box
Take out of a case
take out of a game
take out of a literary work in order to cite or copy
Take out of a text
Take out of action
Take out of active service
Take out of an overhead bin, say
Take out of cipher
Take out of circulation
Take out of context?
Take out of the box?
Take out of the carton
Take out of the freezer
Take out of the Freezer bag name
Take out of the game
Take out of the manuscript
Take out of the packaging
Take out of the text
Take out of the will, maybe
take out on
Take out on romantic dates
Take out on the town
Take out one's aggressions in an alley?
Take out one's yacht
Take out or away
Take out or check out
Take out or in
Take out or let in
Take out or put in, e.g.
Take out part of, as a savings account
Take out regularly
Take out shirt creases
Take out surgically
Take out text
Take out the trash, repeatedly
Take out the yacht
Take out to dinner
Take out to place on shelves, perhaps
Take out, as a new television
Take out, as a vampire
Take out, as groceries
Take out, as text
Take out, as to dinner
Take out, as wine bottles
Take out, editorially
Take out, in a way
Take out, in editing
Take out, like 20s
Take out, maybe
Take out, perhaps
Take out, to an editor
Take over
Take over as one's own
take over by buying a controlling interest of its stock
Take over by force
Take over for
Take over for, as a pitcher
Take over forcibly
take over from
Take over from the autopilot
Take over one's knee
Take over or take in
take over position
Take over property
Take over responsibilities from
Take over throne
Take over to use as one's own
Take over with force
Take over, as a loan
Take over, as a market
Take over, as a role
Take over, as control
Take over, as land
Take over, as the market
Take over, demon-style
Take over, in a way
Take ownership
Take painful steps
Take pains
Take pains to avoid
Take pains to name
Take paint off
Take panes with one's work
Take part
take part in
Take part in 49-Across
Take part in a biathlon
Take part in a buddy system, say
Take part in a child's game
Take part in a contest
Take part in a D&D campaign, e.g.
take part in a demonstration
Take part in a hunger strike
Take part in a hunt, perhaps
Take part in a quilting bee
Take part in a rebellion
Take part in a secret joint venture?
take part in a showjumping competition
Take part in a tilt
Take part in an activity in a casual way
Take part in an auction
Take part in an election
Take part in an exchange
TAKE part in contest or game
take part in election
take part in hopes of winning
take part in orienteering
take part in skydiving
TAKE part with others in
Take part?
Take pen in hand
Take people for tickets?
Take personally
take photografs
take photographs
Take pictures
Take pictures of heads?
Take pieces from?
Take Place
take place
take place after
Take place as a result
Take place as a result of
take place as an additional or unexpected development
Take place next
TAKE place of
Take place over and over
TAKE place regularly
Take place subsequently
Take plaice
Take pleasure
Take pleasure (in)
Take pleasure from
TAKE pleasure in
Take pleasure, as in one's glory
Take plunder
TAKE position
Take possession
take possession of
Take potshots
Take potshots (at)
Take power forcibly
take power unlawfully
Take precedence over
Take pregame shots?
Take pride in something
take prisoner
TAKE prominent part
Take punitive action
Take quickly
Take quickly (away from)
Take quickly and eagerly
Take quickly, with "up"
Take quite a look
Take rays
Take really short catnaps during a Henny Youngman routine?
Take refuge
Take Refuge Place of