Crossword Clue with T
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Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
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Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
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Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
To make pretty
to make professional
to make proletarian
to make proof against draughts
to make proverbial
to make provincial
to make Prussian in character or principle, as in authoritarian control or rigid discipline
TO make putrid (Gk.)
to make quantitative
to make rational
to make reflecting
to make regular
to make relative
to make republican
to make republican in character, form, or principle
to make respectable
to make romantic
to make sectarian
to make singular
to make sleepy
to make some one feeling bad
to make someone feel bad
to make someone feel sad
to make someone feel sad or become sad
to make someone feel sad or to become sad
to make someone unsure
to make something continue
to make something fireproof
To make something happen down
to make something less intense
to make something less or fewer
to make southern
to make Spanish
to make special or specific
to make spiritual
to make standardized parts of beforehand, for assembling later
to make straight
to make stronger
to make structural
to make subjective
to make substantial
to make substantive
to make suburban
to make superficial
to make superhuman
to make supernatural
To make supple
To make sure
to make symmetrical
to make synonymous
to make technical
to make technological
to make temporal
to make tender; to soften
to make territorial
to make the subject of a biography
to make the subject of dispute, contention, or litigation
to make theological
to make thick
to make timid or fearful
to make toneless; to deprive of vowel quality
to make totalitarian
to make traditional
to make traditionalise
to make tranquil
to make tranquil or calm
to make transparent
to make triple or threefold
to make trivial
to make tropical
to make unchristian
to make uncomfortable or uneasy
to make unhappy
to make universal
to make unnatural
to make unsocial
to make unspiritual
to make unstable
to make unwilling
TO make up (L)
to make utilitarian
to make Utopian
to make vernacular
to make virtual
to make voiceless
to make volatile
to make weak
to make western
to make wet with big drops of water
to make wet with large drops of water
to make whole again; to restore
to make worse
to make worse by would-be improvement
to make young again
To manage an office
to manage at a detailed level
to manage or supervise the execution, use, or conduct of
to manufacture in advance
to manufacture into a new product
to mark letters on paper using a press
to mark someone
to mark, or produce an imprint in or on something
to marry while in office President 2nd
to Martin Emilio Actor
to Mary-Kate Ashley Actress
to masticate
to Match
to match or agree almost exactly
To mate?
To mature, as fruit
to me French words
To me, in Paris
To me, to Mimi
to mean
to measure
to measure excessively
to measure in advance
to measure or estimate incorrectly
to Mecca Pilgrim Chaucer
to Mecca Pilgrimage destination
to Mecca Trek Great participant
to melt away; to dissolve gradually and become liquid by attracting and absorbing moisture
to Mexicans U.S. currency First capital
to Michael Janet Actress
to militarise again
to militarize again
to mind Bring about
to mind Call
to mind Things
to mirror to bounce light off
to mobilise again
to mock or make fun of playfully
to mock or make fun playfully
to moor Place
TO more advanced point in time
to more attractive by adding extra ite s
to motivate again
to move about or proceed hurriedly
to move about violently
To move abroad
to move around but still in the same position
to move around something
TO move away from midline of the body
to move back or away
to move closer to
to move down a level
to move forcefully or roughly
to move goods in and out of the country illegly
to move hurriedly
to move in a twisting or contorted motion,
to move or force, especially in an effort to get something open
To move or stir
To move or turn in the opposite direction
to move Powerless
to move Priced Be at
to move quickly downwards or away
to move something from its natural environment
TO move toward midline of the body
to move upward climb to a higher point
to move with short jerking motions
to move without being detected by sound
to mull over
To Multiply through reproduction
To multiply, it divides
To my dismay ...
To My Father: I poet __ Orne Jewett
To my recollection ...
To my surprise ...
to mythologise again
to mythologize again
to Name
To name a few (abbr.)
To name a few, briefly
to nap, to sleep, or a silent beat in music
to nationalise again
to nationalize again
to naught Bring about
to negotiate in advance
To no __ (fruitless)
To no __ (ineffective)
To no ___
To no ___ (fruitlessly)
To no ___ (futilely)
To no ___ (in vain)
To no ___ (ineffectively)
To no ___ (pointlessly)
To no ___ (purposelessly)
To no ___ (unsuccessfully)
To no ___ (uselessly)
To no ___ (without effect)
To no ___ (without success)
To no ___ (worthless)
To no __: useless
To no avail
to no degree
To no extent
to no place
To no purpose
to nominate again especially for a succeeding term
to not be found
to notice or spot or discover something
to notice your surroundings
To now
to obey (a judgment or decree)
to oblige
to observe or study by close examination and systematic inquiry
to obstruct a passage
To offer a better job to an employee
to offer at a price lower than
to offer oneself for a service
to office Return
to one side
to one side Info
To one way of thinking
To one's heart's __
To only be available for a specific group of people
To only be available to specific group of people
To open
to openly confess
to openly disobey
to operate to excess
to optimize to an inferior degree
to or in a foreign country
to or in peices
to or in piece
to or in pieces
to or in the interior of a country or region
to or not to be
to or on an upper floor of a building
to or toward that place
to or towards any place
to or towards this place
to order authoritatevly
To order authoritatively
To order authoritively
To order authority
to organize on a territorial basis
to ornament excessively
to own something
to oxidize to the utmost degree, so as to form a peroxide
To pack away
to package in advance
to Paint
To panic
to Paper 24 sheets of
to paper Plastic
to park a boat
to park Place