Crossword Clue with T
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
to Party
to pass
TO pass (L)
to pass Allow
to pass Come
to pass from one body or place into another
to pass light through, especially through body for medical examination
to pass or move unobtrusively or smoothly
to pass the night in vigil or prayer
TO pass the summer (L)
to pass unfavourable judgment on
to people too densely
To perceive the intended meaning
to perform a task or put the death
to perform a task or put to death
to perform more than one process at a time
to permit a project etc to proceed
to persuade to act contrary to one's conviction or preference
to persuade wrongly
to Philly heading (abbr.) Raleigh state (abbr.)
to photograph again
to pick
to pick Bone
To pick flowers, fruits etc
To pieces
To Pierre and Brigitte!
To place
TO place (Gk.)
to place a telephone call to an incorrect number
to place at a disadvantage
to place in a hospital as a patient
to place in a sepulchre
to place in position
To place limits on
to place limits on; limit access to
to place or lay over or above something
TO place regarded as lower
To place something 3 letters
to place something at intervals in or among
to place under pressure
to plan
to plan aim
to plant a crop between other plants
to plant smaller trees in between taller ones
to plant with forest again
to play a part
to play b-ball Place
to play Goliath, exaggerate extravagantly
to play Place
To please
to polarise again
to polarize again
to Polyphemus Odysseus Father of
to portion in advance
TO position on
to position wrongly
to practise a subspecialty
to practise entomology
to practise polygamy
to practise psalmody
to practise schism; to make a schism
to practise theosophy
to practise, or bring about by, diplomacy
To praise
to praise or approve
to precipitate
to prepare writing for publication by correcting
to prepare writing for publication by correcting revising or proofreading
to pressurise again
to pressurize again
to pretend, feign
to prevail on a person to reject obsessive beliefs
To prevent by legal means
to prevent disease; preventive treatment
to prize a possession
To prize,treasure
to process beforehand
to process excessively
to produce
TO produce (Gk.)
to produce a sharp often metallic explosive or percussive sound
to produce an increase in potential difference across a biological membrane
to produce by crossing two inbred individuals of different breeds
to produce less than the expected amount
To produce liquid that slowly escapes
To produce liquid through your skin because you are hot or nervous
to produce photoluminescence
to produce the erection of hairs on the head or body
to produce to excess
to project the voice
to propel a craft to space
to prove or serve to prove the authenticity of
To provide with suitable gear, items for particular task
to publicly announce that one no longer holds an opinion or belief
To publicly criticise someone or something, usually by using sarcastic comedy or ridicule
to publicly party
To pull
to pull out
to punish or penalize for the sake of discipline
to purchase in advance
to purge literature of all possibly offensive or morally impure material
to pursue or a man s name
to pursue or a mans name
to pursue or hunt
to push
To put an ___ disposition on: Hamlet
to put an industry under state control
to put back
TO put back (L)
to put each of (two things) in the place of the other
to put in a state like paradise; to make supremely happy
to put in nails
to put in the hypnoidal state
To put informar on a computer onto a computer disk
to put information on a computer onto a computer disk
To put into a different language
to put into alphabetic order
to put into effect or perform
to put into practice
to put into practice a tool utennsil that is used for a particular purpose
to put into practice a tool utensil that is used for a particular purpose
To put it another way ...
To put it briefly
To put it more clearly ...
To put off
to put or use in the place of another
to put pressure on something e g to extract juice from lemon
to put something
to put temporarily in a liquid
To put things into a bag to take with you
To put words on a paper
to Put-on
to quarrel noisily, angrily or disruptively
to question formally concerning an official action or policy or personal conduct
to quick moving like a ninja
to quit
to raise above a normal level
to raise from a lower position
to re-enter or resubmit information to a computer
to re-estimate the value of, esp on a basis differing from the accepted standard
TO reach (L)
to react with less than appropriate force or intensity
To read, to Rodrigo
To read: Sp.
To really enjoy a meal, do this
to rearrange (voting districts) in the interests of a particular party or candidate
to rebound more than
To recap
To recap ...
to recognize the rights, authority, or status of
to record or memorialize lastingly by a monument
to reduce from civilization to a savage state
to reduce greatly the population of
to reduce to a proletarian status or level
to refine excessively
to refine to a very high degree
to reflect light
to refute
to regard or treat (someone) with respect and admiration
to regard or treat as equal
to register in advance
to register; to enroll or record
to regret something
to regulate by means of heat
to regulate the food intake
To reiterate ...
to relax Place
to release from a state of enthralment
to release from being a colony, grant independence to
to release in advance
To remain in abeyance
To remain somewhere
to remember Time
to remove (as a ship or nuclear power plant) from service
to remove a capsule from (a part or organ, esp the kidney)
to remove dirt from a surface by wiping or brushing
to remove mythology from in order to arrive at the basic meaning
to remove or reduce the criminal classification or status of
to remove or reduce the security classification of
to remove the aspirate from
to remove the bark, husk or peel of
to remove the colour from
to remove the humanity from
to remove the nature from
to remove the political nature or awareness from
to remove the religious element from
to remove the sanctity from
To remove using scissors
to render Italian, or conformable to Italian customs
to render motionless, as with a fixed stare or by arousing terror or awe
To Renew America author Gingrich
To Renew America writer Gingrich
to repear or copy out words written or spoken by another person
To repeat ...
To repeat ... forget it!
to repeat a passage
To repeat myself ...
to repeat or a vibrant bird
to repeat or copy out of words that someone else has said
to repeat or copy out the words that someone else has said
to repeat or copy out the words that someone else have said
to repeat or copy out the words that someone has said
to repeat or copy out word written or spoken by another person
to repeat or copy out words written
to repeat or copy out words written or spoken by another person
To repel, or New Brunswick loyalist Chipman
To rephrase ...
to replace the depleted mineral content of (bones, teeth, etc)
to replace wallpaper
to represent as greater than is true
To reprimand
to require something
to resign to walk out of a job
to respond excessively
to restate in different words
to restore or make like new agien
to restore to friandship or harmony
to restore to good condition
to restore to one's own country
To Restrain or prevent
To retain
to retain or prevent
to retard
TO retard on watch regulator (abbr.)
TO retard on watch regulator (Fr.)
To return?
To reveal
to reveille Respond
To reversal
to revoke a lawyer s license
to rid of a poison or the effects of it
to right quickly
to rise and fall with no regular pattern
to risk
to roast over hot coal or an open fire
to rob
to roll down a hill on a bike without pediling
to roll Place
To roll up a sail or umbrella
To Rome With Love director
to rot decompose
To ruin
to ruin Bring about
to run or move quickly with light steps
to rush or hurry
To sadden or dispirit
TO same degree
to sanctify in advance