Crossword Clue with V
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Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
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Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Verb ending for ion or atom
Verb ending found in this clue
Verb ending in old verse
Verb ending in the Bible
Verb ending of yore
Verb follower?
Verb following "thou"
Verb for 27-Down
Verb for a baker or massage therapist
Verb for a dieter
Verb for a historian
Verb for Juliet
Verb for Latin lovers
Verb for mud
Verb for Popeye
Verb for Richard Simmons
Verb for Shakespeare
Verb for Simon
Verb for the past
Verb for thou
Verb for Tweety
Verb for Virgil
Verb for yesteryear
Verb for you
VERB form
Verb form (abbr.)
Verb form for Virgil
Verb form functioning as noun
Verb form used as an adjective
Verb forms
verb French
verb French words
Verb from Mark Antony
Verb from Popeye
Verb from the French for "live coals"
Verb from the Latin for "breathe upon"
Verb from the Latin for "hold back"
Verb from the Latin for "quibble"
Verb from which "suis" and "sommes" are conjugated
Verb from which "sum" is derived
Verb functioning as a noun
verb German words
Verb go-with
Verb in "O Come, All Ye Faithful"
Verb in "The Raven"
Verb in a 52-Across recipe, often
Verb in a baking recipe
Verb in a guac recipe
Verb in a legal drama or "The Great British Baking Show"
Verb in a letter to Santa
Verb in a limerick's first line
Verb in a meringue recipe
Verb in a question from Juliet
Verb in a recipe
Verb in a retrospective
Verb in a turkey recipe
Verb in an O'Neill title
Verb in Exodus
Verb in first-year Spanish
Verb in history texts
Verb in IOU
Verb in Morton Salt's slogan
Verb in personal ads
Verb in recipes for 22-Across
Verb in sauce recipes
Verb in spring roll recipes
Verb in the classic "Mission: Impossible" opening scene
Verb in the first telegraph message
Verb in the song "Sloop John B"
Verb in the world's first telegraph message
verb inflections that express how the action or state is conceived by the speaker
verb Jukebox part
Verb like "exister"
verb modifier
Verb not in the king's English
verb object language with verbs before objects
Verb of frugality
VERB of future time
Verb of the future
Verb of the past?
Verb of which "sum" is a form
Verb often said three times in a row
Verb often seen with "aid"
Verb often used with "thou"
Verb on a bill
Verb on a campaign button
Verb on a campaign poster
Verb on a campaign sign
Verb on a candy heart
Verb on a classic Uncle Sam poster
Verb on a penny
Verb on a tea packet
Verb on a triangular sign
Verb on an invoice
Verb on an Uno card
Verb on nickels
Verb on travel posters
Verb on valentine candy
Verb or "malt" add-on
Verb or malt ending?
Verb or rib follower
Verb origin of suis and sont
VERB paradigm, part of
Verb preceder
Verb preceder, usually
Verb preceders
Verb pronounced like a letter
Verb related to "hailed"
Verb repeated throughout Exodus 20
Verb seen in "The Raven"
verb Shakespearean actor Edmund
Verb sometimes shortened by removing its vowels
Verb sometimes shortened to its middle letter
Verb sometimes with "thou"
verb Spanish 1930s queen
Verb subject
Verb suffix
Verb suffix in the Bible
Verb suffix meaning 'become'
Verb suffix with moral
Verb sung by the Scarecrow
Verb that becomes a family member if you add an A at the beginning
Verb that becomes its homophone by changing its vowel
Verb that can combine with its past tense
Verb that may precede "ass"
Verb that rhymes with a related organ
Verb that sounds like a cow part
Verb that sounds like a letter
Verb that sounds like a type of poem
Verb that sounds like a vowel
Verb that sounds like the ninth letter
Verb that sounds like the third letter
Verb that starts with m
Verb that's a homophone for a letter
Verb that's a homophone of 37-Across
Verb that's also a Roman numeral
Verb that's an anagram of "Roseau"
Verb that's conjugated "amo, amas, amat ..."
verb to run quickly
Verb type (abbr.)
Verb type without a direct obj.
Verb type: Abbr.
Verb used by Tweety
verb used for saying what you intend to do
Verb used in recipes
Verb whose middle letters aptly sound like "tea"
Verb whose past tense is formed by moving the first letter to the end
Verb with -ing ending
Verb with 'down' or 'out'
Verb with 'heaven and earth'
Verb with "vous"
Verb with a circumflex
Verb with havoc
Verb with preposition and noun homophones
Verb with thou
Verb with thou, sometimes
Verb-forming suffix
Verb-to-noun suffix
Verb, for example
Verb, for one
Verb's companion
Verb's partner
verbal abuse
Verbal abuser
verbal act of agreeing
verbal adjective
Verbal alternative to a head slap
Verbal alternative to a shoulder tap
Verbal assault
verbal attack
Verbal attacks
Verbal attention-grabbers
Verbal attitude
Verbal barbs
Verbal bickering
Verbal bother
Verbal break-in
Verbal brickbats
Verbal bully
Verbal cleverness
Verbal comeback?
Verbal comebacks
Verbal concession
Verbal contention
Verbal contest
Verbal cringe
VERBAL criticism
verbal defamation
Verbal defiance
Verbal defiance, slangily
Verbal deftness
Verbal dig
Verbal digs
verbal disagreement quarrel
Verbal disapproval
Verbal dissents
Verbal divisions
verbal dressing down 6 7
Verbal dueling
verbal effusion
Verbal elbow in the ribs
Verbal elbow?
Verbal endorsement
Verbal equivalent of a facepalm
Verbal equivalent of a shrug
Verbal equivalent to a nod of the head
Verbal error
verbal exam
VERBAL examination
Verbal exams
Verbal exchange about a harsh review?
Verbal explosions
VERBAL expression
verbal expression writing
Verbal eye roll
Verbal fanfare
Verbal fanfare that might accompany a drum roll
Verbal faux pas
Verbal feedback?
Verbal feistiness
Verbal flourish
Verbal flourishes
Verbal gaffe
Verbal gem
Verbal Gem Australian
Verbal gems
Verbal give-and-take
Verbal greeting
Verbal grillings
Verbal groaner
Verbal groaners
Verbal hesitation
Verbal hesitations
Verbal impudence
Verbal inflections
Verbal invitation
Verbal jab
Verbal jab in the ribs
Verbal jabs
Verbal jewel
Verbal jewels
Verbal joke
Verbal joust on stage
Verbal lapse
verbal legerdemain, esp in the imaginative or capricious coining of new words
Verbal nod
Verbal nods