Crossword Clue with W
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
Crossword Solver
Wordle Solver
Scrabble Solver
Anagram Solver
WWF Solver
Word Games
With 40-Across, critic's positive review of a Fox medical drama?
With 40-Across, exposed
With 40-Across, game played on a cancha
With 40-Across, good advice for correcting a manuscript?
With 40-Across, headwear for doing laps
With 40-Across, in which case
With 40-Across, infer something ... and literally so
With 40-Across, kid's toy ... and a word that can precede the first word of the starred answers
With 40-Across, later
With 40-Across, lilting refrain
With 40-Across, McMurdo Sound locale
With 40-Across, meal for a wolf eel
With 40-Across, modern
With 40-Across, money required to open a business ... or a hint to 18-, 24-, 47- and 57-Across
With 40-Across, nocturnal noisemaker
With 40-Across, NPR broadcast since 1979
With 40-Across, party supplies found in this puzzle's four corners
With 40-Across, periodic correction of the 64-Across
With 40-Across, person born Feb. 12, 1809
With 40-Across, place for cinders
With 40-Across, place to see views
With 40-Across, remaining focused
With 40-Across, repeat offender? ... or something found, literally, in four rows in this puzzle
With 40-Across, request from a record company
With 40-Across, role-play (and a hint to this puzzle's theme)
With 40-Across, royal emblems in North Africa?
With 40-Across, short, euphemistically
With 40-Across, silent film legend
With 40-Across, some Election Day prizes
With 40-Across, tip off
With 40-Across, trumped-up charge
With 40-Across, ulterior motive
With 40-Across, visitor on high-school career day
With 40-Across, what a straight-A student passes with ... or a hint to 17-, 27-, 46- and 62-Across
With 40-Across, where Broadway is
With 40-Down, "I Love Rock 'n Roll" singer
With 40-Down, 2005 neo-noir movie
With 40-Down, a modern company
With 40-Down, big name in Massachusetts
With 40-Down, depleted atmospheric region
With 40-Down, Down East university town
With 40-Down, enter gradually
With 40-Down, erase
With 40-Down, follows restaurant protocol
With 40-Down, friend you may have never met
With 40-Down, good witch's conjuring
With 40-Down, H+, e.g.
With 40-Down, highway snooze site
With 40-Down, how rain falls ... or a literal description of the answers to the four themed clues
With 40-Down, late Stone Age period
With 40-Down, money saved
With 40-Down, popular fashion label
With 40-Down, protruded
With 40-Down, seat of Orange County, Calif.
With 40-Down, something tapped at a pub
With 40-Down, source of the piece of advice
With 40A, a breakfast order
With 40A, a fad
With 40A, a firebrand
With 40A, a V.I.P.
With 40A, garden sites
With 40A, racers
With 41 Across, auspicious 1492 date for Columbus
With 41 Across, locale of Santa Ana, California
With 41 Across, rout
With 41 Across, toaster part
With 41 Across. our Christmas movie's title
With 41 Down, a type of pain
With 41- and 42-Across, 1964 Beatles hit
With 41- and 43-Across, cop cruiser ... or a description of the five animals named in this puzzle
With 41- and 48-Across, what 56-Across declared while approaching the eruption of 20-Across
With 41-Across, 'Wag the Dog' costar
With 41-Across, "Frozen" voice actor
With 41-Across, 1979 Robert John hit song
With 41-Across, annual May 1 celebration
With 41-Across, author of the quote
With 41-Across, boxing ploy
With 41-Across, Bronx ball club, familiarly
With 41-Across, chased
With 41-Across, chip in from a sand trap, possibly
With 41-Across, co-creator of Captain America and the Hulk
With 41-Across, coastal region of California
With 41-Across, corporate status symbol ... and a hint to the circled letters
With 41-Across, discuss
With 41-Across, edenic
With 41-Across, generational sequence
With 41-Across, go out nicely
With 41-Across, good time for a cliffhanger ... or what each of 17-, 24-, 50- and 63-Across has?
With 41-Across, it makes short hops
With 41-Across, kidnapper's correspondence
With 41-Across, make every effort to be accommodating
With 41-Across, no-no #2
With 41-Across, one bending unexpectedly?
With 41-Across, one you go way back with
With 41-Across, pancake-flavored drink?
With 41-Across, plant source of cosmetic additives
With 41-Across, proceeding willy-nilly
With 41-Across, quarantined, and a hint to completing 12 puzzle answers
With 41-Across, speaker of the put-down
With 41-Across, the southern tip of South America
With 41-Across, thing sometimes resisted
With 41-Across, title for this puzzle
With 41-Across, traveled fast
With 41-Across, two-time opponent of Max Schmeling
With 41-Across, winter sport support
With 41-Down, 72-Across phenomenon that's graphically demonstrated five times in this puzzle
With 41-Down, cheap fast-food offerings
With 41-Down, composition of a trail followed by [circled letters]
With 41-Down, continue
With 41-Down, cooking oil source
With 41-Down, early software tryout
With 41-Down, first tennis player to win two Olympic singles gold medals
With 41-Down, Ford part
With 41-Down, it follows "Think globally"
With 41-Down, making progress
With 41-Down, meets by chance
With 41-Down, nuclear device
With 41-Down, patchworks
With 41-Down, perceived threat of the '50s
With 41-Down, quaint sandlot game
With 41-Down, seemingly
With 41-Down, shrunken
With 41-Down, swindlers
With 41-Down, this puzzle's theme
With 41-Down, title teen in a 2004 indie hit
With 41-Down, tittering laughs
With 41-Down, town near New London, Connecticut
With 41-Down, tries for a long pass, in football lingo
With 41-Down, words spoken by Pilate upon delivering Christ to his accusers
With 42 Across, prepared to save at the grocery
With 42 Across, Sinatra tune
With 42 Across, words of gratitude
With 42 Down, daily allowance
With 42 Down, geologist's billion years
With 42- and 66-Across, words to an old friend, whose end is a hint this puzzle's grid and theme
With 42-Across, 'Little' storybook character
With 42-Across, 2001 video game set in Liberty City
With 42-Across, a 1975 hit for 41-Across
With 42-Across, a famous pirate
With 42-Across, a popular 1886 creation
With 42-Across, an NPR host
With 42-Across, attention getter
With 42-Across, author of "Airport," "Hotel," and three novels in this puzzle
With 42-Across, bailiff's command
With 42-Across, birdie?
With 42-Across, bogey?
With 42-Across, cars like BMWs and Audis ... or 18-, 24-, 53- and 63-Across
With 42-Across, coolness of mind
With 42-Across, corrosive substances
With 42-Across, countertenor
With 42-Across, financier
With 42-Across, Frank Sinatra signature song
With 42-Across, help out
With 42-Across, Hillary
With 42-Across, more suggestion box findings
With 42-Across, one who might memorize 64-Across?
With 42-Across, part of a psychologist's battery
With 42-Across, prepare to play cards (and a hint to this puzzle's circled letters)
With 42-Across, Somewhat
With 42-Across, starts of pro football games
With 42-Across, subject of the poem that contains the line 17-/65-Across
With 42-Across, time of cavemen
With 42-Across, usual result of a leadoff batter getting three strikes
With 42-Across, what people who study living creatures are?
With 42-Across, white-collar crime ... and a hint to four Across answers
With 42-Down, 'All the world's a stage' subject
With 42-Down, "Frosty the Snowman" singer
With 42-Down, "We have the OK"
With 42-Down, 2004 site
With 42-Down, Best Supporting Actress Oscar winner in "Marriage Story"
With 42-Down, capital on the Dnieper
With 42-Down, city on the Pearl River Delta
With 42-Down, extensions
With 42-Down, Hall-of-Fame Dodgers shortstop
With 42-Down, like some bobsleds
With 42-Down, literally, control completely
With 42-Down, old Paul Robinson comic
With 42-Down, out-of-date
With 42-Down, quick inspection
With 42-Down, she played Cassandra in "Wayne's World"
With 42-Down, spots for sailors' gear
With 42-Down, unlikely racetrack pick
With 42-Down, words that can precede the answers to starred clues
With 43 Across, art store purchase
With 43 Across, exhibits optimism
With 43 Across, Supporting Actress ("Melvin and Howard")
With 43 down, storied bronx station house
With 43- and 48-Across, everything considered
With 43- and 76-Across, camping aid
With 43-Across, "It's Only Make Believe" performer
With 43-Across, 1967 movie featuring Don, with "The"
With 43-Across, 1973 Deep Purple hit?
With 43-Across, a 1940's movie cowboy
With 43-Across, approximately
With 43-Across, arm of the Mediterranean
With 43-Across, bit of home decor
With 43-Across, Chemical Brothers song about the sounds that make all the sheep swoon?
With 43-Across, Coagulate * Galley
With 43-Across, comic book superhero
With 43-Across, courteous reception
With 43-Across, description of 1-Across
With 43-Across, event where people say grace before shoving dozens of hot dogs in their mouths?
With 43-Across, famed oil-well firefighter
With 43-Across, feeling often fought
With 43-Across, fraternal order
With 43-Across, hand-held grasping tool
With 43-Across, leaver of a mark
With 43-Across, Michelin product
With 43-Across, outstanding
With 43-Across, part of a squid
With 43-Across, sane
With 43-Across, shipshape
With 43-Across, shrinking Asian lake
With 43-Across, singer of the lyric formed by the first parts of 20-, 24-, 40-, 51- and 58-Across
With 43-Across, small wagers
With 43-Across, storybook hero
With 43-Across, strength needed for a team job
With 43-Across, tear-jerking tune
With 43-Across, the two components of a certain bowling score?
With 43-Across, thinks something is up
With 43-Across, this puzzle's theme
With 43-Across, umbrella drink
With 43-Across, use bubble gum?
With 43-Across, what the circled letters in the grid form
With 43-Across, what this puzzle is doing
With 43-Across, yttrium or scandium
With 43-Down, Apple C.E.O. beginning in 2011
With 43-Down, fairy-tale ending
With 43-Down, home for Macron
With 43-Down, marine conger
With 43-Down, muffin base
With 43-Down, rapper with the 2021 #1 hit "Montero (Call Me by Your Name)"
With 43-Down, software buyer, e.g.
With 43-Down, sporty cars
With 43-Down, what a criminal might be on
With 43-Down, what you need to operate the ends of 17-, 27-, 47- and 62-Across
With 43A, early life among harvesters?
With 44 Across, a Shak. play that turns out the opposite of what you expected?
With 44 Across, literary sleuth
With 44 Across, what 20 Across warned against
With 44 Down, "Superman" reporter
With 44 Down, bat application
With 44 Down, success for 39 Down
With 44- and 57-Across, another quote from Moose
With 44-, 63-, 77- and 93-Across, a long-winded piece of advice
With 44-Across just for fun,
With 44-Across malevolent look,
With 44-Across, "Precious Things" singer
With 44-Across, "Summertime Sadness" singer Lana
With 44-Across, "You can wait to show your gratitude"