SCLEROTIC in Scrabble & Word with Friends Score

Crossword-Questions for SCLEROTIC

3 Crossword-Questions containing the word SCLEROTIC

Eye part EYE, white of the white of the eye view all
SCLEROTIC is a 9 letter word starting with S and ending with C

Definitions & Synonyms

adjective - SCLEROTIC refers to the hard, white, outer coat of the eyeball.
adjective - SCLEROTIC can also mean relating to or affected by sclerosis, an abnormal hardening of body tissue.

Anagrams for SCLEROTIC

9 letter words from SCLEROTIC Anagram
3 letter words from SCLEROTIC Anagram
2 letter words from SCLEROTIC Anagram

Crossword-Clues with SCLEROTIC

Crossword-Clues containing SCLEROTIC
