SOM in Scrabble & Word with Friends Score

Crossword-Questions for SOM

2 Crossword-Questions containing the word SOM

Ethiopia neighbor: Abbr. view all
SOM is a 3 letter word starting with S and ending with M

Definitions & Synonyms

noun - SOM is an acronym for Self-Organizing Map, a type of artificial neural network.
noun - SOM can refer to the School of Music in various universities like the University of Michigan or the University of Utah.
noun - In medicine, SOM refers to Serous Otitis Media, a condition characterized by fluid accumulation in the middle ear.

Anagrams for SOM

3 letter words from SOM Anagram
2 letter words from SOM Anagram

Crossword-Clues with SOM

Crossword-Clues containing SOM
