Find out if your Scrabble word COX is valid or if it is not allowed to be used for the game according to the Scrabble dictionary.

COX in Scrabble & Word with Friends Score

is COX a Scrabble Word ?

C 3
O 1
X 8
Points: 12 Probability: 1 in 289 chance. (0.35%)
Yes, COX is a scrabble word!

is COX a Words With Friends Word ?

C 4
O 1
X 8
Points: 13
Yes, COX is a WWF word!

Definition and Meaning for COX

noun - A Cox is the helmsman of a rowing boat, particularly in a racing crew.
noun - A Cox is a short form for the Cox's Orange Pippin, a type of apple.
noun - A Cox may refer to someone with the surname Cox.
COX is a 3 letter word starting with C and ending with X

Anagrams for COX

3 letter words from COX Anagram
2 letter words from COX Anagram

1 prefix for COX


15 suffixes for COX

  • COXA 13
  • COXY 16
  • COXAE 14
  • COXAL 14
  • COXED 15
  • COXES 14
  • COXIB 16
  • COXIBS 17
  • COXIER 15
  • COXING 16
  • COXALGY 20
  • COXCOMB 22
  • COXIEST 16
  • COXITIS 16
  • COXLESS 16